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Monarchs for Regionals [TCG]


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Got Regionals on Sunday, here's what I'm planning on running:


Monsters: 20

3 Ehther

3 Erebus

1 Mega Caius

1 Mega Thestalos

1 Kuraz

3 Edea

3 Eidos

1 Mithra

2 Maxx "C"

2 Effect Veiler


Spells: 16

3 Pantheism

3 Tenacity

3 Domain

3 Stormforth

1 Return

1 March

1 One for One

1 Raigeki


Traps: 4

3 Prime

1 Warning


Side Deck: 15

2 Vanity's Fiend

1 Majesty's Fiend

1 Zaborg the Mega Monarch

3 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Breakthrough Skill

2 Forbidden Chalice

2 Mind Crush

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Torrential Tribute


[spoiler=Regionals Report]

So here's how I did.  ~150 people at the start of Round 1.  Smallest Regionals I've attended, but kind of expected with the weather in the teens and it being Valentine's Day.  Either way, there were 8 rounds of Swiss and top 24 got the invite.


Round 1 vs Mermails

Got OTKed games 1 and 3.  So a loss there.0-1


Round 2 vs Dinomists

Very easy matchup.  Got decent hands both times. Record 1-1


Round 3 vs Monarchs

First Mirror Match of the day.  Guy OTKed me turn 2 of game 1, resolving 3 Pantheisms on the same turn.  I bricked badly game 2.  Record: 1-2


Round 4 vs Burning Abyss

Game 1 the token from Mithra locked him down and prevented him from playing.  Later I Veiler'ed one Dante and attacked over his Leviathan Dragon for game.  Game 2 he scooped after Mega Zaborg nuked his Extra. Record: 2-2


Round 5 vs Phantom-Knight Speedroids

Got OTKed both games.  I got off a Maxx "C" game 2 but he pulled it off. Record 2-3


Round 6 vs Monarchs

Opponent bricked back both games.  I could tell from the way he kept shaking his head after every draw. Record 3-3


Round 7 vs Monarchs

2-0ed this guy.  Don't remember what I did in G1 but G2 I Warning his Edea and he scoops. Record 4-3


Round 8 vs Kozmo

He OTKs me G1, but Vanity's Fiend wins it for me in the next two games. Record 5-3




So all in all not too badly.  Quite a bit of variety in my matches.  Surprised I only faced the 1 Kozmo that late.  Two mirror Matches in a row won, so props on that.  I still hate OTKs.  Ranked 40th on the final standings so not too bad out of ~150.  One more win would've gotten me the invite.




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Perhaps a Mobius or 2 to hit pendulum scales?


Not a good idea, considering it can't realistically be summoned effectively on the opponent's turn to disrupt them and is a generally mediocre summon.




Looks fine from my point of view, but I would try to fit some Vanity's / Majesty's Fiend in, since those are literally wincons on their own. Prime could go down to 2 if you don't expect the Monarch mirror often.

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