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[Force of Will] R E D R U M

Resident Fascist

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Rulers (1):

1 Girl in Twilight Garb // Dark Alice, Maiden of Slaughter


Magic Stone (10):

1 Little Red, the Pure Stone

1 Grusbalesta, the Sealing Stone

1 Magic Stone of Moonlight

1 Shadow's Memoria

4 Magic Stone of Scorched Bales

1 Magic Stone of Darkness

1 Magic Stone of Flame


Resonators (25):

4 Dark Alice's Shadow Warrior

4 Guinevere, the Jealous Queen

2 Lora, Blood Speaker

3 Dark Faria, Shadow Princess of Ebony

2 Elisabeth, Shadow Princess of Blood

1 Shadow Doppelganger

4 Nyarlatorep, the Usurper

1 Carmilla, the Queen of Vampires

1 Dark Melgis, the Shadow Flame

3 Zero, the Magus of Null


Spells (13):

4 Scorn of Dark Alice

4 Flame of the Outer World

2 Spiral of Despair

1 Fetal Movement in the Outer World

1 Necronomicon

1 Stoned to Death


Regalia (2):

2 Schrodinger, the Fallen Black Cat


Welcome to my first Force of Will deck profile on YCM! Today I'll be starting with my absolute favourite deck in this game, Dark Alice "Slaughterhouse". Dark Alice is a heavily disruptive deck, revolving around destroying the opponent's resonators, messing with their hand and then removing their cards from the graveyard to gain power. Starting with our Ruler, we have the queen of sadism and maniacal laughter, Dark Alice. Dark Alice's ruler form, Girl in Twilight Garb is very unique. Her Judgement skill costs no Will to use, however, Twilight Garb must remove 3 cards from the opponent's Graveyard before she can use her Judgement, costing a total of 3 Darkness Will. Overall, this card is obviously very strong against decks that want certain cards in their graveyard, or decks running Necromancy or Necronomicon. Against other decks, Twilight Garb is very weak. This all changes once you flip over to Dark Alice, Maiden of Slaughter.


 When Dark Alice enters the field, you declare a number and kill every resonator with that cost. Even if Dark Alice is only killing one resonator, this very strong. Against some decks, Dark Alice will obliterate their entire field. Call 1 to kill Guinevere and other pesky 1 drops, 4 or 5 to kill big resonators, additionally, Dark Alice's God Art, Walprugisnacht only costs 2 Darkness Will, making it one of the most accessible God Arts in the game. Walprugisnacht, for the rest of the game, gives all opposing resonators -200/-200, bringing many strong resonators down into Flame of the Outer World range, and outright killing some small things. It also puts a Schrodinger into play.


 Schrodinger, as a Regalia, is extremely powerful. In particular, Schrodinger is one of the most powerful Regalia in the game. Not only does it grant your J-Ruler +500/+500 if you have 5 or more opposing cards banished, it can also grant Swiftness and Target Attack to Dark Alice (something Dark Alice has already, unfortunately.)


 He can also tap for a will of any color, and his final ability is to Banish himself to give your J-Ruler Imperishable. Whether this kitty is in or out of the proverbial 10 card box, he's extremely strong and represents an enormous threat. For other resonators, we have the general Slaughterhouse package of Guineveres to fix our hands and fill our Graveyard and make sure we don't run out of gas, Hastur to kill pesky creatures, and the Lora Elisabeth engine to search up a big threat with removal spells. 


 Dark Faria is an extremely powerful card too, not only does she have an Awakening to kill any Resonator on the board, she buffs any Shadow Resonator on your board, including Dark Alice herself. We also have a general Cthulhu package in this deck, including my favourite Resonator, Nyarlatorep, the Usurper. When Nyarlatorep enters the field, your opponent reveals their hand and you choose a card for them to discard. It also has Incarnate, allowing you to pay with Resonators rather than will. Flashing in Zero early game can kill a bunch of guys, too.


 Finally, we get to this deck's spell package. 13 cards of pure, unadulterated hatred. Every spell in this deck is utterly disruptive. Dark Alice's Scorn allows us to look at the opponent's hand and take a resonator from it. It only costs 1 Will, making it a fantastic opener if you don't see a 1 drop. Flame of the Outer World is a huge funk you button to any 1 J/resonator, and it can't be chased, which is fantastic. Despite the errata to Fetal Movement no longer dealing 100 damage per card removed, rather 100 for each resonator removed, this card is still fantastic to satisfy Schrodinger, and to get that final bit of damage in late game. Spiral of Despair, while not the best card in this deck as we don't get the ruler boost, it's still 2 will for 2 cards of the opponent's choice. Stoned to Death is an oldie, but goldie. 2 will to kill any resonator is still a fantastic deal when used properly.


 Finally, Necronomicon lets us toolbox back our favourite Slaughterhouse tools of choice after they've died. Overall, Dark Alice is a very strong deck with lots of powerful cards. If you still have questions regarding any card in this deck, please, ask me.


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