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[TCG] Kozmo


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It's actually really useful for the fact that it DOES put it in your hand. You don't always want to float your ships onto the field since if they have no cards for you to pop, summoning the Sliprider is a waste. Dark Eclipser can tutor a Dark Destroyer in your hand which essentially gives you a handtrap on the opponent's turn. It can also tutor a Soartroopers for a play next turn instead of summoning onto the field where it will be vulnerable. In addition, it synergizes well with Strawman.


The trap negation effect is just a small bonus when facing rouge matchups.

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What about PSY-Framelord Omega? The return banished monsters to Graveyard effect seems nice for Soartroopers and Call of the Haunted, and overall it gives nice hand control (although be careful in the Mirror Match, as you can only use his effect in the Main Phase, so you can't chain it to a Pilot's banish effect in the Battle/Standby/End Phase).

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Omega isn't really needed, since you actually have to dedicate your one Ghost Ogre to make it, and I'd rather it have a reactive use that can win me a game like Scarlight.


That seems fair enough.


Skill Drain seems like a good side card as you can still summon your 3000 ATK beaters while it is up and it seems effective against Monarchs.

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