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Natural Twenty


Let's figure this out!  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Which edition are you interested in playing? (vote for multiple if you prefer)

    • 1e
    • Advanced (if this, specify which edition)
    • Basic Set aka 2e
    • 3e
    • 3.5e
    • Pathfinder
    • 4e
    • 5e
    • Don't care or other
  2. 2. How should we play this?

    • Online tabletop
    • Skype
    • Forum
    • Don't care or other

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Super late to the party! wooo!



YCM Username: Zai

Nickname: Call me anything you want idgaf.

Experience: I've played 3.5, pathfinder, and 4th. Plus a smattering of other non-D&D tabletops.



Favorite Edition: 3.5

Playstyle: I'm an actor, fighter, and storyteller. I tend to do a bit of minmaxing too, but i usually DM so its all good.


EDIT: Figure i should mention: I have the entire D&D 3.5 library, in case anyone is in need of it.

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  On 2/17/2016 at 2:23 AM, Sylvëon said:

Hmm I see. Well the nice thing about DMing for the first time is...


A) You either have veterans in the group who can help you out and give you pointers when you get stuck.


B) You have a bunch of newbs who don't care that you're not experienced cuz they're not experienced yet either and everybody's learning and having fun.

Yeah. I'm in B, since I'm playing this with my newbie friends as well. So far I know that my style is just letting crazy sheet happen/let people to crazy sheet.

For example, my friend, a Chaotic Evil Dwarf Barbarian, walked up to a farmhouse and slaughtered the family of 3, and to kill the father, he rammed into the wall of their bedroom, causing it to collapse, crushing the guy. Good times.

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  On 2/17/2016 at 2:51 AM, 「Yami Muddy」 said:

Yeah. I'm in B, since I'm playing this with my newbie friends as well. So far I know that my style is just letting crazy s*** happen/let people to crazy s***.

For example, my friend, a Chaotic Evil Dwarf Barbarian, walked up to a farmhouse and slaughtered the family of 3, and to kill the father, he rammed into the wall of their bedroom, causing it to collapse, crushing the guy. Good times.

Sounds like a typical shenanigan-filled D&D session, yes. XD


  On 2/17/2016 at 2:53 AM, Thar said:

Random but relevant question: What's your favorite monster (from any Monster Manual)?

I might sound unoriginal here, but I really do like the owlbear. Just the combination of owl + bear is pretty amazing, imo.

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  On 2/17/2016 at 2:37 AM, Zaibatsu said:

EDIT: Figure i should mention: I have the entire D&D 3.5 library, in case anyone is in need of it.


I hope I still have mine. If I do, I have the Player's Handbook, the Monster Manual, and the Dungeon Master's Guide.


EDIT: Found them! :D

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Was gonna wait till we got 15 votes cuz that's a nice number that I like more than 14 but looks like we won't get any more voters. As we'll probs have more than one group this won't matter too much buuut...the rankings are as follows.

  1. 3.5e with 6 votes
  2. Don't care or other with 5 votes
  3. 5e with 3 votes

Honorable mentions go to Pathfinder and 4e with 2 votes each.


As for how we should play...

  1. Online tabletop with 7 votes
  2. Don't care or other with 5 votes
  3. Skype with 2 votes

Forum didn't even get a single vote rip.


So basically most people are leaning toward 3.5e and also online tabletop so that'll probs be a thing. Though, ultimately, whichever edition or format is decided upon depends on the DM so yeah. So far potential DMs are Zai and Muddy though there might be others who want to DM too idk. If so, please speak up!

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Well I've been waiting for people to catch up and read through handbooks as well as the DMs to come up with ideas and such.
It looks like I might have to step in and DM as well though since nobody's mentioned that they're coming up with stuff for this. If I do I'd do 5e though cuz I like that the most. I have experience with Roll20 so I can do that there though tbh I'm pretty intrigued by the idea of a skype campaign.


Also decided (to liven this thread a bit) we should have discussions and stuff. So...


First up. Newbies, what do you know about D&D? What are your expectations for it, and what are the things people have told you about it?

Veterans, how did you get into D&D? Did you have any preconceptions about it as well?

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  On 2/28/2016 at 4:30 AM, Sylvëon said:

Well I've been waiting for people to catch up and read through handbooks as well as the DMs to come up with ideas and such.


The best way to learn is to play a game with the manuals open for reference, in my experience. In fact, character creation REQUIRES it, cause the mechanics are just too complicated to memorize.

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Well yeah, but some have already expressed interest in reading through handbooks and such. Mainly I've just been waiting for people to come up with character ideas and get acquainted with the basics. Also again, for DMs to decide if they want to DM and if so, which edition they'd like to DM and the format.

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  On 2/28/2016 at 4:30 AM, Sylvëon said:

Veterans, how did you get into D&D? Did you have any preconceptions about it as well?


I've been interested in it for a while, but the first time I really got into the scene was...actually a long story that I no longer really remember why I was there. All I remember was that my current boyfriend was with me at the time, despite the fact that this was many years ago. It was a 3.5e game, since the other versions weren't a thing yet, and I wound up getting to play both as a Druid (with a hell of a mouth!) that had a boa constrictor for a animal companion and a Monk, with both of them being adoptive sisters. I was legit allowed to get away with the Monk being allowed to recognize Druidic, if not understand it because of that. Said GM also gave me permission, despite the fact that their alignments would not have allowed for it at the time, to allow my two characters to cross class into the other's class. Druid/Monk duo, wouldn't that be a scary thought?


The funny story of that game, however, wasn't something that happened ingame, but out of game. I wound up having to share a cot with one of the dudes, that wasn't my boyfriend (you bet I kept my clothes on). I had got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and the man I was sharing with rolled...


...and I wound up running out after hearing a THUD!! That dude woke up to probably the rudest awakening ever by suddenly having his face meet the wall.


  On 2/28/2016 at 5:05 AM, Thar said:

The best way to learn is to play a game with the manuals open for reference, in my experience. In fact, character creation REQUIRES it, cause the mechanics are just too complicated to memorize.

Oh, ye gods, can I amen to that...


Also, I've played a few games to already have a 'default' character idea incase I don't have enough time to scheme a character, specifically my Noble-born Wild Magic Sorcerer/Divination Wizard. 'gives a grin'

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  On 2/28/2016 at 4:30 AM, Sylvëon said:

Veterans, how did you get into D&D? Did you have any preconceptions about it as well?


I missed this.


I started playing my second year of high school. I made a group of friends that were into a bunch of nerdy things, and D&D was one of them. When I first heard of it, I thought that was literally all it was was dragons in dungeons. Essentially, yes, that's what it was, but when they went into detail about it, I was blown away at how fleshed out and massive it was.


The first session I attended was a science fiction-esque version. When I was supposed to roleplay my character, I was pretty flustered and everyone acted accordingly but with no sympathy. That campaign didn't last long, but after that I started a campaign under version 3.5 called "Carcarane", which lasted months and was the only campaign I've ever attended to the end. I was an Elven Paladin (which I later laughed at cause of how stale both Elves and Paladins are) and the campaign ended with me wielding one of the other characters that was turned into a holy shield. The campaign concluded with me being a part of the Royal Elven Counsel.


After that, we didn't have that many other legitimate campaigns, at least none as long as Carcarane, but we did do it often, usually every weekend. We also LARPed, played various card games, and other junk.


After I moved away from them (on a bad note, might I add), I eventually got back into it when I joined a Pathfinder campaign that lasted a couple months before the group couldn't get an available day in and broke up. Since then I couldn't find a group to join, and with my lack of knowledge and experience in DMing, I couldn't get one together.

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  On 2/28/2016 at 4:30 AM, Sylvëon said:

Newbies, what do you know about D&D? What are your expectations for it, and what are the things people have told you about it?

I understand that it's a basically a VGRPG without technology, with all the character creation/stats/environments handled by the player, dice, and DM respectively. I've just read the rule book, so I understand that its complicated, but another IRL DnD player here said you could play if you just have a vague idea and learn as you go along. To be honest, I did one of these when I was younger, but less complicated.

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  On 2/28/2016 at 4:30 AM, Sylvëon said:


First up. Newbies, what do you know about D&D? What are your expectations for it, and what are the things people have told you about it?


Well, I know kinda the basics. I'm excited to play with a group of Vets! Like, this is totes a dream come true! My dad used to tell me about how he played it with his friends in Highschool, and I've had a few games. I started playing it around 6th grade. Both my brothers had a group of friends, and when we played, how cliche, they made the only girl there (me) play a healer. Thankfully, I enjoyed cleric. I always played a human cleric, but I have also always wanted to try assassin. I think this time around I'll stick to my guns with a healer though. None of my games have ever ended, and my highest level at any given time was 3.

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Here's another question to ask the vets to give the newcomers an idea the sh!t that can happen.


I have two stories, one for myself and one for my boyfriend. I'll start with the BF first.


My boyfriend has this habit of grabbing seemingly-useless spells and somehow goldmining with them. Today, I speak of the 'Create Jelly' cantrip. At one point, in a particular campaign, we were dealing with an Orc merchant and he summoned up a gold-flavored jelly. He was trying to persuade the Orc to let him have a f*ckton of stuff in exchange for just the jelly. My boyfriend rolled a natural 20. The Orc rolled a natural 1. Yami got everything that dude had, and we were all long gone by the time that jelly vanished on its own accord an hour later. Out of game, we had to spend 15 minutes for everyone to stop laughing.


My own story is a case of 'not all natural 1s are bad'.


I was in a campaign testing out the above build I mentioned before, the nobleborn Wild Magic Sorcerer/Divination Wizard mix. I had rolled to hit a foe with a Firebolt cantrip and rolled a natural 1 to hit. Instead of seeing if I hit one of the others, the GM decided to roll on the Wild Magic Surge table. That cantrip turned into a Level 5 Magic Missile and every shot rolled high for damage. For those who know not what Magic Missile is, it is a multi-hit spell incapable of missing its target. That natural 1 essentially turned into a natural 20.

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Hey-O! Big time D&D (and other RPG systems) nerd here. Thought I'd jump right into things since I'm returning to YCM, so here goes:


YCM Username: Cätɐstrøphǝ

Nickname: "Catastrophe" is fine, but feel free to call me something that requires less typing. I'm not picky with these things

Experience: 3.5e, 4e, 5e, Pathfinder

Favorite Edition: 3.5 (Though Pathfinder is a close second)

Playstyle: Storyteller/Instigator


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