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Natural Twenty


Let's figure this out!  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Which edition are you interested in playing? (vote for multiple if you prefer)

    • 1e
    • Advanced (if this, specify which edition)
    • Basic Set aka 2e
    • 3e
    • 3.5e
    • Pathfinder
    • 4e
    • 5e
    • Don't care or other
  2. 2. How should we play this?

    • Online tabletop
    • Skype
    • Forum
    • Don't care or other

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A Dungeons & Dragons Club



What is Dungeons & Dragons, you ask? Dungeons & Dragons, more commonly referred to by its abbreviation, D&D, is a fantasy tabletop roleplaying game. If that doesn't interest you, then you're free to leave. However, I would recommend you give it a chance. As somebody who dislikes most board games, I can safely say that I love D&D. If you like to roleplay, then you'll most likely love D&D. And if you don't, what about that RPG you play all the time? The mechanics were originally inspired by D&D, the first roleplaying game.


Now that I have your attention, I'll explain the basic requirements of D&D.

  1. Friends. You need multiple people to play D&D. At least two, actually.
  2. An imagination and a willingness to use it. You don't need to be a master at it, just the readiness to create something with others.

If you are a beginner at this, you will find your first characters will be cliches, enough to make veterans groan and roll their eyes. That's okay. Because your next characters will be better, and the ones after that better still. Stretching and using our creativity is how we improve. Budding writers will find a lot of reason to play this game.




[spoiler=Club Goal]

You can consider this club a hub, or a tavern, to use D&D terminology. A focal point, a place for people to gather together, discuss D&D, and more importantly, learn about D&D. From my short time here at YCM, I've noticed a lot of people who want to get into the game but can't for whatever reason, so I decided to bring the game to them.


This is a place where you can get the resources to learn about D&D, create characters and discuss them with others, and...last but not least...PLAY THE GAME.





  1. Read The Rules of YCM if you haven't already.
  2. Be respectful to other members. Even if they made what you consider to be a horrible character, you should try and build them up, rather than tear them down. Give constructive criticism rather than destructive criticism.
  3. I have the right to add more rules if I think of them. It'd be great if you don't give me a reason to, though.





YCM Username: Pretty self-explanatory.

Nickname: Is there a name you'd rather be called here?

Experience: If you're new, say so. If you're not, list what editions you've played.


And then optional things you can include. Newbies can ignore this.

Favorite Edition: Self-explanatory. Which edition do you prefer? Pathfinder nerds can put Pathfinder if they want.

Playstyle: According to the Dungeon Master's Guide, there are generally seven types of players. Most people fall under multiple categories, but there are usually one or two that stand out. Which ones describe you the most?

  • Actors - People who like to get into character and have their character interact with others.
  • Explorers - People who like to learn about the world they're in and find out what's next.
  • Instigators - People who like to make things happen and take risks.
  • Fighters - People who like to kick butt and take bold action.
  • Optimizers - People who like to perfect their characters' capabilities and gain levels. 
  • Problem solvers - People who like to untangle the webs of the enemy's plans and come up with their own.
  • Storytellers - People who like to contribute to the narrative and see the plot unfold before their eyes.

[spoiler=My Application]

YCM Username: Sylvëon

Nickname: Doesn't matter, though Seth is one of the more common ones

Experience: 3rd (I've forgotten most of the rules for it, though), 3.5th, 4th, 5th

Favorite Edition: 5th

Playstyle: Actor/Explorer







  • Sylvëon "Seth"
  • Great Lord Cow "CowCow"
  • Is the Order a Mitcher "DaMitch"
  • shadowliepard "liepard"
  • JustYui "Yui"
  • Big Bad Pennar "Ryko/Flandre"
  • cardgameking "CGK/Solomon"
  • Saitama "Saiku/One Punch Man/Mr. Steadfast"
  • Sardonyx "Birdie/Aubrey"
  • Kitty w/ Bow "Aez"
  • 「Yami Muddy」 "James/Muddy/Clean/JamesSomething"
  • Talim Rave "Tayla/Tesability/Tes/Talim"
  • _dova666 "Dova"
  • Thar "Thar"
  • Cherz the Poro "Cherz/Kate"
  • Zaibatsu "Zai/DM Extraordinaire"
  • ǝuuıɹ "Rinne"
  • TR-8R "Tenta"
  • Cätɐstrøphǝ "Catastrophe"
  • Htamret "Tainted Mythos/Tainted/Mythos"



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D&D is made up of two kinds of people. The dungeon master, or DM, who guides the story and plays the enemies and NPCs, and the players, who each control a single character (usually) that works with the other characters to fight through monster encounters and play through the adventure.




[spoiler=Playing Format]

[spoiler=How will we play?]

Okay, so basically the plan is this: get enough people together to play a game. How we're going to go about playing, however, is still undecided. I have a few ideas, myself.


An online tabletop roleplaying program. Arguably the best way to play online. I've used an online program called Roll20 before and it's a really good site to use for playing D&D. The only problem is that it takes up a fair amount of internet power, so running programs such as skype at the same time might be dicey for lower-bandwidth connections.


Skype. No, it doesn't need to be video or audio. As one of the shyer members here, I know I'm not a big fan of calls with people I don't really know. But regular chat skype on the other hand...well, I think it could work. The DM might have to be creative when it comes to describing locations and stuff, and map-based battling would be tricky, but otherwise yeah. The only problem with skype is that it doesn't have a die roller like Roll20 does. We could always use the honor system, but it's nice to see the dice results right there as well. But I just remembered that online die roller chatrooms exist, which we could use during a skype session. Unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to use them for forum-based play though.


On the forum. It would probably go in the RP section, but there are benefits to doing this on the forum. One, we aren't all on at the same time, so getting everybody together for a single session could be tricky. However, you lose a lot of the natural energy and camaraderie of a D&D session. I suppose it could be made up for with a skype chat, but imo if there are that many people online in a skype chat, they might as well play D&D. Only problem is most people on skype are doing other stuff as well, so it's easier to chat, but less easy to play D&D. But again, the no die roller is a problem.



[spoiler=Who will play?]

Most groups are comprised of five to seven people, one of them being the DM. If more than seven people end up being interested in playing, we'll probably have to have multiple groups, which shouldn't be a big problem. We should be able to work it out between ourselves as to who wants to DM as well.







Adventure - Whenever you sit down to play D&D, it's likely the DM has already thought of an adventure to play. This adventure could be anything from defeating the evil wizard in the tower to rescuing the princess from the dragon. Those who can't think of their own can use adventure books, choosing to follow them by the book or merely as inspiration.

Campaign - A series of adventures linked together by an overarching plot. Generally composed of three adventures, they often guide a character from level 1 to level 20.

Character - The actual character played by the player.

D&D - Dungeons and Dragons.

Die - D&D is dependent on dice. There are six different types, named for how many sides they have: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20. A rare seventh type is a d100, but most people use a pair of d10s as "percentile dice," which they use to roll percentages. If you use multiple rolls of the same die, you would say "I'm rolling 2d6 for damage" for instance.

DM - Dungeon Master. Also known as the person who you shouldn't piss off because they're going to sic a tarrasque on you if you don't shut up.

Edition - D&D is known for having multiple editions or versions. Most are vastly different from each other, and there are many people who prefer one edition over the others.

Encounter - Anytime you "encounter" enemies, whether you're fighting a group of goblins or sneaking past a sleeping dragon, is called an encounter.

Erratum - A list of corrected errors and clarifications. Usually posted after the handbooks for a new edition have been published.

Metagaming - A no-no. Using player-only knowledge to affect the gameplay.

NPC - Non-player character.

Pathfinder RPG - Paizo Publishing, which had published many D&D magazines, developed their own version of D&D, called Pathfinder, informally known as D&D 3.75. Many people prefer Pathfinder over regular D&D.

Player - The RPer who plays their character.

Round - A six-second moment where everybody, player and enemy alike, can make their move in battle.

Saving Throw - A roll made to avoid or partially avoid any ailment or damage.

Skill Check - Whenever you roll to use a skill.





As a huge D&D nerd, I have both physical and electronic versions of multiple handbooks. Physical for reference when sitting at an actual table playing and electronic for when I'm playing on Roll20 or just don't feel like digging around through a physical book. I'll be posting links to the electronic versions in a mass PM to all the members at some point.


I'd post more links, but a lot of them are dependent on which edition you're playing. However, a good general purpose site is the D&D official website.



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*dives in* though as you know I might not be able to actually play much. But we'll see. I can at least help with things.


YCM Username: I'm not sure. This is a tricky one.... "Great Lord Cow".

Nickname: Not any in particular but people do anyway.

Experience: I've played 3.5, 4th, and 5th

Favorite Edition: I prefer 3.5 mainly.

Playstyle: Actor and Instigator

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I tried to get a tabletop game club going(*cough* maids) but somehow it lost the momentum to get things started. I've never had experience playing an actual tabletop game so that might have something to do with it. Either way, joining, could be fun. Are we gonna use 3.5e or 5e?


YCM Username: some variant of Mitcher

Nickname: DaMitch

Experience: Glanced through DnD 5e's player handbook and a bunch of other ones but practically none whatsoever.

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Yeaaah I'm hoping that doesn't happen with this... >_< Though it might if we don't get more members. Come on people, I know there are more D&D lovers than just us.


As for the format, I figured that could be figured out between us all. It doesn't even have to be 3.5e or 5e tbh. Also I don't want to DM unless I really have to. So if there is somebody who wants to join who likes to DM, that'd be great too.

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YCM Username: Big Bad Pennar
Nickname: Either Ryko, or my more well known name in YCM, Flandre
Experience: I've played some 4th edition by myself, but playing DnD by yourself is like making a story where you're the only reader, I desire to get into 3.5 as there is a certain Homebrew class I want to try out
Favorite Edition: 4th, hoping for 3.5
Playstyle: Fighter/Optimizer

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I'll enter this.


YCM Username: Cardgameking

Nickname: CGK or Solomon

Experience: My and a couple of friends played over the summer, and while it was mostly casual stuff without a major plot, I really enjoyed and would love to partake in a more roleplay based experience.

Favourite Edition: Can't say, I've just played the latest one.

Playstyle: Explorer/Storyteller I suppose.

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Okay, seeing as we have more people that joined and stuff, let's try and figure out how we're going to do this.


I've already seen a couple opinions, but I'm gonna post a poll as to which version (including Pathfinder) people are interested in playing. Also, if anybody wants to DM, please speak up. Please.


We also need to figure out how we want to do this so yeah will post a poll for that too. Depending on if more people join and stuff we'll probably have multiple groups as well so as to make things manageable for the DMs.

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YCM Username: Sardonyx

Nickname: Birdie, Aubrey, whatever

Experience: Brand-funking-new. I've got a friend who's gonna take me through a single player campaign sometime to help me get used to some basic stuffs, but I haven't done anything yet. I watched the Yogscast play some stuff, but considering all the things they balls up, that might not be the beeest example.

Playstyle: Actor mainly. The idea of getting into a character is something I want to do, but... Requires the right gathering of people to make it not really feel awkward, you know? ^^''

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YCM Username: Kinka-Byo (Subject to change)
Nickname: Aez (sounds like haze with no h, for sound references)
Experience: I made a character once, and I think I'd like to use them at least once, but never got to play...

Favorite Edition: Whatever addition has good druids. I made the char for 3.5, i think.
Playstyle: I'd like to say I'm an explorer, but idk since i've never played. 

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I am interested, having heard a lot about this game, but I have only glanced at one of the handbooks and never actually played. Will probably sign up once I read a Rulebook or something, or maybe you guys know of a good tutorial?

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YCM Username: 「Yami Muddy」

Nickname: James, Muddy, JamesMuddy, I don't really mind.

Experience: I've played a tiny bit of edition 5, as well as my own heavily D&D-Inspired game.


Favorite Edition: None :/ I've only experienced 5 and another one I can't remember. Probably 4.

Playstyle: DM. Oh, I dunno. Explorer and Instigator?

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Alright, I need to join this.


YCM Username: Tayla Lider

Nickname: I have a few nicknames. The most common ones for me are:


Experience: For D&D, I've played 3.5, a tiny bit of Pathfinder and 5e. For other D20-ish games, I've played Rogue Trader (WarHammer 40K), Numenera and Shadowrun


Favorite Edition: So far, 5e.

Playstyle: Primarily Actor/Storyteller. Other styles depend on the character being played.
~Warning: If a character named "Gemini Rivetter" is played by me, all variants of this character is known for breaking the 4th wall and making his opinions clearly known to the GM. Fortunately, he's unlikely to be seeing outside of 'evil' campaigns.

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YCM Username: _dova666 (Probably just gonna be Dova something)

Nickname: Dova is fine.

Experience: Newbie, have watched people play and reading the Rulebook as we speak.

Favorite Edition: Only one I've heard of/seen/seen people play: 3.5e

Playstyle: Newbie, so just gonna take these on face value, but probably a Problem Solver.

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  On 2/13/2016 at 6:40 AM, 「Yami Muddy」 said:

Playstyle: DM. Oh, I dunno. Explorer and Instigator?

Hey, if you're interested in DMing, feel free to speak up. They're kind of necessary for D&D. XD


Also please vote in the polls, guys. Otherwise nobody will know if there's a specific edition or format you're interested in doing.

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YCM Username: Thar

Nickname: Thar

Experience: 3.5, 4, and Pathfinders

Favorite Edition: 3.5

Playstyle: Explorer/Fighter


Interesting to see a D&D club here. I think I've seen one before, but it didn't last long. I'll join anyway, though.

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  On 2/17/2016 at 1:53 AM, Thar said:

Interesting to see a D&D club here. I think I've seen one before, but it didn't last long. I'll join anyway, though.

Well here's to this lasting. I have my hopes, at least, and I'm definitely invested in this club. Had the idea in the works for months, but it never felt like the right time to make it.


  On 2/17/2016 at 2:11 AM, Talim Rave said:

One: This quite literally started up on my birthday, so I don't know if this counts as an unintentional b-day present or not.

Two: On my 'Other' vote on the polls, I use both roll20.net and Skype at the same time for the other games I'm in. Just a note there.

Happy belated birthday! :D

Hmm, well a friend and I tried skyping and using Roll20 at the same time and it failed. Then again, it was call skype and I had crappy internet connection back then so that probably contributed to it.

Well, if we can do both an online tabletop like Roll20 AND skype that would be cool, but if not, that's fine too.

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  On 2/17/2016 at 1:44 AM, Sylvëon said:

Hey, if you're interested in DMing, feel free to speak up. They're kind of necessary for D&D. XD


Also please vote in the polls, guys. Otherwise nobody will know if there's a specific edition or format you're interested in doing.

Only problem is I've never DMed a real D&D game. Only my almost-D&D game.

Shouldn't be too hard though.

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Hmm I see. Well the nice thing about DMing for the first time is...


A) You either have veterans in the group who can help you out and give you pointers when you get stuck.


B) You have a bunch of newbs who don't care that you're not experienced cuz they're not experienced yet either and everybody's learning and having fun.

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