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Alright time to do a summary of this strange "story":


One fat man once wanted some jelly from his goat so he killed his dog. Then went up to Spain some more beans but his grandmother smacked him for licking her maybe on the boat that sunk BOOM! Then jumped into a pool fish looking fat in the tutu went the away Grammar. Someone saw him running trying to get a chocolate mountain with pigs that hover over mothers and YCMers of Canada. Then he flew a rolfcopter while people danced aggressively to some jelly and then he died and died again and spammed and was -neg repped. Later that night a spammer spammed while Cthulhu spammed like spammers although he ran through shoes although the godzilla jelly became uneatable due to fatigue. The airplane exploded therefore there was dead people 3\/4|2'|/\/\/|-|3|23. But ate some grapes while dinosaurs ate his-no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather suddenly. Afterwards the Furries broke several bones collapsed from dead YCM members then, bedlam and morons ate your cake full of cockroaches and threw-up on JoJo's knee where she begged for some washing soap which his boyfriend who gave him a b....j.... which was really descusting and gay. That was a big pie with zambonis stuffed with fruit and mushrooms and eggs with sauce on the cloud city under his toe and nail with goat poo. But his maggot got AIDS and ate his pig mother who dad Raped you mum! face upside-down ewww mum hat hurts alot and dad said OMG I just ate my cereal. The spoon in the drawer...


Now that doesn't make much sense...:?

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Now this is the "story" so far:


One fat man once wanted some jelly from his goat so he killed his dog. Then went up to Spain some more beans but his grandmother smacked him for licking her maybe on the boat that sunk BOOM! Then jumped into a pool fish looking fat in the tutu went the away Grammar. Someone saw him running trying to get a chocolate mountain with pigs that hover over mothers and YCMers of Canada. Then he flew a rolfcopter while people danced aggressively to some jelly and then he died and died again and spammed and was -neg repped. Later that night a spammer spammed while Cthulhu spammed like spammers although he ran through shoes although the godzilla jelly became uneatable due to fatigue. The airplane exploded therefore there was dead people 3\/4|2'|/\/\/|-|3|23. But ate some grapes while dinosaurs ate his-no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather suddenly. Afterwards the Furries broke several bones collapsed from dead YCM members then, bedlam and morons ate your cake full of cockroaches and threw-up on JoJo's knee where she begged for some washing soap which his boyfriend who gave him a b....j.... which was really descusting and gay. That was a big pie with zambonis stuffed with fruit and mushrooms and eggs with sauce on the cloud city under his toe and nail with goat poo. But his maggot got AIDS and ate his pig mother who dad Raped you mum! face upside-down ewww mum hat hurts alot and dad said OMG I just ate my cereal. The spoon in the drawer spammed until Superman jumped into Cinderella's castle and the end of the rotten...


Now that doesn't make much sense...:?

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