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[TCG] [Digital Only] Divine Stars


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I'm posting this deck again because the last time I posted it, I never got any further comment past "take this out and replace with that".  Plus, it's changed since, though only slightly.


The deck itself is still designed around summoning Obelisk the Tormentor quickly (though I forgot the exact hand needed for a turn 1 summon).  Failing that, it uses the Satellarknight Xyz monsters for board control.  Or rather, it tries to.  What I'm looking for is advice on how to improve the consistency of the deck, and also suggestions for replacements for anything that might not be suitable.


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Seraphs might help this deck, no? Maybe Twister might be a nice addition, considering you can use it to send a Satella from your hand to your grave, and you can pop a normal s/t and mound for a search. Consistency wise...maybe take out Double Summon for 2 more of those Zefras? I found that card clunky.

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Seraphs might help this deck, no? Maybe Twister might be a nice addition, considering you can use it to send a Satella from your hand to your grave, and you can pop a normal s/t and mound for a search. Consistency wise...maybe take out Double Summon for 2 more of those Zefras? I found that card clunky.

Thanks for the feedback.  I made the edits you suggested, but to be honest, I'm having trouble figuring out what to replace with the Star Seraph cards, though I think I see what you're suggesting with the Star Seraph Xyz: use it as a bulwark and fill the graveyard for easier special summoning, right?



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Methinks he meant to say that the combo commonly refered to as stickchair could help out. Stick (scepter) and chair (sovernty) make a pretty nifty engine that nets you a buncha draws quickly and makes useful fodder for either Xyz or Tributing. Also, methinks he meant twin twister, not regular twister. 

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Thanks for the feedback.  I made the edits you suggested, but to be honest, I'm having trouble figuring out what to replace with the Star Seraph cards, though I think I see what you're suggesting with the Star Seraph Xyz: use it as a bulwark and fill the graveyard for easier special summoning, right?




The Star Seraph Xyz is bad, and he didn't suggest it, at all.

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Thanks for the feedback.  I made the edits you suggested, but to be honest, I'm having trouble figuring out what to replace with the Star Seraph cards, though I think I see what you're suggesting with the Star Seraph Xyz: use it as a bulwark and fill the graveyard for easier special summoning, right?



As Aez said, I'm referring to the Stickchair combo, with Star Seraph Sovereign and Star Seraph Scepter. It allows you to net a lot of draws if you have scepter in hand, and opens your Extra Deck for Ptolemeaues, which in turns allows for Infinity, or, if you don't like, Azahoth, Pleiades, and Tiras are also options.


And yes, I meant the card Twin Twister, which has that extra Discard, and in that case you could run it instead of one of those MSTs.

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