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Neo-Spacian Performapal!


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One of the main problems with the Neo-Spacians is the fact you have to either get them on the field or topdeck Miracle Contact to perform Contact Fusion. Pendulums seemed an ideal way of doing this, so I tried using Igknights as an engine initially. However, the Igknights ate up too much hand advantage which made the whole thing counter productive. Recently I came back to the idea, this time using the Performapal engine. It works a lot, lot better as I am able to keep up card advantage while setting up the scales due Joker and Monkeyboard being ridiculous plussing machines.

No decklist/card explanations at the moment as I'm tired.


Constructive criticism appreciated!

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Is instant Neo Space Plausible?


Probably not. It's just as vulnerable to Spell/Trap removal as Neo Space, so I think I would prefer the increased searchabilty/reusability with Neo Space Pathfinder and the ATK boost (bringing the Fusions up from 2500 to 3000 ATk is pretty nice) to the ability to float into Neos.


I will try it though, it might be worth it. I could try using both, although I expect it would be easier just to stick to Neo Space.

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Bump! Testing 3 Instant Neo Space and a second CotH instead of 2 Neo Space and 2 Pathfinders. I haven't really noticed much difference as I've mostly been testing it against worse decks, although I am sometimes missing the 500 ATK boost.


Does anyone have any thoughts? I am probably going to drop Panther and Dark Neos, as Dark Neos basically isn't very good (If it were quick, it would be nice, but otherwise not really). What should I run instead?

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