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Why mouse?


It, at 2, provides a way to easily turn 2-mat Tiger/Wolf into 3-mat for free, albeit costing a normal summon. I've found that to be enough to justify it at 2, I originally had it at 3 but that was terrible, however at 2 it does its job solidly. If I actually get Vendor off successfully and can drop Dog, it's a decent thing to search just for the extra pop/attack, also as it doesn't offer any particular advantage I don't mind it as discard fodder for Twister/Vendor and food for Wings.


However, I've recently been thinking that it is the weakest card in the deck, so I swapped it out for 1 Rabbit 1 Cat just to test. Results were variable at best, wasn't ever a time when either of them made all that much difference, but I did find that just recycling a material or a Poly for like a Sabres play or something was infinitely better than what Mouse offered. So basically, I think I am going to drop Mouse, and stick with this, its presence being more a remnant of my first Floof build than any particularly thought-out reasoning, and while it performed its function perfectly well, in the end it's not worth it.

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You need more Sheep in your Deck.  It's the Main Deck's best card outside of Dog.


I hear this a lot but I really do not see it. Literally its only use is bouncing back Dog to revive a Chain/Scissors for a Factory/Poly play, and the turn I do that is usually the turn I win. Even running 1 copy it's essentially at 7 because Dog/Vendor searches, so that's the logic I go with. Honestly it doesn't serve an offensive purpose, it's a thing that does what it does very well but what it does isn't amazing.


Bear grabs Vendor, Wings makes you win, Dog searches the whole deck, Cat/Rabbit recycle resources. Sheep does that but worse. Unless you can give me a compelling reason to run multiple Sheep, which has far more capacity and potential to be dead than the others, I don't feel there's any need to do so. This version OTKs perfectly well with 1 and really I very rarely even use the single copy because it simply isn't necessary, if I was going to move any numbers of monsters right now it'd be one of Cat or Rabbit to 2 and cut a Chain or something.

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I hear this a lot but I really do not see it. Literally its only use is bouncing back Dog to revive a Chain/Scissors for a Factory/Poly play, and the turn I do that is usually the turn I win. Even running 1 copy it's essentially at 7 because Dog/Vendor searches, so that's the logic I go with. Honestly it doesn't serve an offensive purpose, it's a thing that does what it does very well but what it does isn't amazing.


Sheep is literally just a precaution.  If your play get's Noticed and you need a turn to cry it off, you now still have Dog in hand so that you have a counter play next turn.  In that sense it's perfectly fine at one, but could be brought up to 2 in riskier builds.


Fusion recovery is definitely a must.  I would probably go -1 Twister and....maybe -1 Sabre's?  only because you can search and use it so easily I'm not certain 3 is necessary.  That should give you room for 2 Fusion Recoveries though.  The card can be a true godsend in a pinch.


Have you considered Frightfur March at 1?  Only because it's easily searched off chain and can help make later game plays randomly explosive.


If you wanna be cute, it might not be the worst of ideas to replace one of your Poly copies with Fusion Subsitute.  It can be search by King of the Swamp just as easily, and allows for some cute reset plays late game, but at the cost of it only using your field.  Like I said it's not the best of options, but it isn't the worst of options either.  Having just 1 has helped me out once or twice in the past with Floofs, but on the flip side it can hurt just a bit if you topdeck it in a situation where you can't use it.


I have seen people use Fusion Conscription in limited quantities to search Bear, so that next turn they can grab Vendor and send Wings to start the engine with low investment.  Might be something to consider at 1 or 2?

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Sheep is literally just a precaution.  If your play get's Noticed and you need a turn to cry it off, you now still have Dog in hand so that you have a counter play next turn.  In that sense it's perfectly fine at one, but could be brought up to 2 in riskier builds.


Fusion recovery is definitely a must.  I would probably go -1 Twister and....maybe -1 Sabre's?  only because you can search and use it so easily I'm not certain 3 is necessary.  That should give you room for 2 Fusion Recoveries though.  The card can be a true godsend in a pinch.


Have you considered Frightfur March at 1?  Only because it's easily searched off chain and can help make later game plays randomly explosive.


If you wanna be cute, it might not be the worst of ideas to replace one of your Poly copies with Fusion Subsitute.  It can be search by King of the Swamp just as easily, and allows for some cute reset plays late game, but at the cost of it only using your field.  Like I said it's not the best of options, but it isn't the worst of options either.  Having just 1 has helped me out once or twice in the past with Floofs, but on the flip side it can hurt just a bit if you topdeck it in a situation where you can't use it.


I have seen people use Fusion Conscription in limited quantities to search Bear, so that next turn they can grab Vendor and send Wings to start the engine with low investment.  Might be something to consider at 1 or 2?


This version I'm using at the moment can usually OTK with any bit of set-up, which is why I don't feel the need for more than 1 Sheep. The only time I use it is like turn 1 to bounce back a Dog and set up for the next turn to go mad.


I will add a Recovery in for a Twister, running it at 3 because backrow removal is a vital thing but have never used more than 1 a game and it clogs a bit in 3s so will make that change. By Sabres I take it you mean Scissors? In any case I'm reluctant to drop the numbers on that because Tiger and Wolf both need it and Sabres can also use it, however it is searchable which would lead me to maybe drop it, except I prefer using Dog to grab Bear/Wings and drawing into/Toy Vendoring a Scissors.


March I'm interested in but I prefer having Notice in there, the searchability doesn't sell it to me because of the propensity to be dead whereas Notice is always live (except late game but Floof games tend to be short so not so much an issue).


Substitute I'll not even consider, Poly is crucial and 5 really isn't even enough, I don't want to drop it down for that.


Conscription is an interesting idea, but the fact that I can't use its effect the same turn is a bit off a put-off. The biggest thing about Bear/Wings is you can do it all in the one turn and plus hugely, having a 1 for 1 addition that slows the play whereas Dog goes +1 and places no limitation on it, I'm not sure I want to bother with it. Don't know what I'd drop for it anyway.

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