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How to shorten this card's name so it will fit in duel portal?


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Wth made you go that long in the first place

Wth why are you being so useless to the OP?


As for the name, I just hopped on to make a card with its name and some random stats (like 234 ATK) and it worked, aside from requiring me to remove the underscores. Don't worry, I deleted it so the name is still open. If you want to shorten it anyway, would "Tierra Sequence Phase 1: ERROR ACCESS DENIED" work for you?

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Wth why are you being so useless to the OP?


May you chill? It's a forum. Sometimes I'm up for elaborate help and some times I feel like sneaking in with a quick comment/question, calm it.

And by the way, what I pointed out is that he could've rethought the whole thing. It shouldn't have been that long in the first place.


OP, instead of going "Tierra Sequ........... DENIED"

You could give it an archetypal name, maybe a pun. Tierraphase #1: ERROR

Tierraphase would be the archetypal name, the rest summed up.

When you rethink something (instead of going, oh hey what word will I omit now?) from the beginning altogether, you might get better results.

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