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DevPro Customized banlist

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  • 3 weeks later...

What confused me about this list: If Exodia's head is at 0, then why are the remaining limbs still at 1 when without the head, they're just weak Level 1 Normal Monsters?


Having each at 3 turns Summoned Lord Exodia into a more explosive version of Apoqliphort Towers that can have up to 12000 ATK or draw up to 6 or more cards upon its destruction (not to mention that, if you draw another SLE, you can summon a limb, tribute it, and then discard down to hand size at the end of your turn, and the opponent is in pretty much the same position they were in last turn). Given that Apoqliphort Towers got banned, I think they'd rather be cautious as opposed to create another.

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