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Space Between [Athena Superbia Shinato feat. Seraphs]


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[spoiler=Deck List]
2x Athena
3x Superbia
3x Scout
3x Stick
3x Seat
2x Summoner Monk
3x Shinato


2x Celestial Transformation

3x IF
3x Pre-Prep of Rites
3x Shinato's Ark
3x Trade-In
3x TT



2x Norden

Knight Felgrand
2x 38
Doubleteller Diamond
2x Petalmeow



[spoiler=Old Deck]LKPhT8J.png

[spoiler=Deck List]

2x Athena

3x Superbia

3x Scales

3x Stick

3x Seat

2x Summoner Monk

3x Shinato


2x Celestial Transformation

3x Pre-Prep of Rites


3x Shinato's Ark

3x Trade-In

3x TT



3x Urgent Ritual Art





Knight Felgrand

2x Ouroboros 



2x 38

Doubleteller Diamond

2x Deltros

2x Petalmeow





Turns out that This is a semi-consistent thing. stickseat gets pluses, and if I can't xyz, ritual/ tribute fodder. Urgent hasn't been too too useful and I could probs scrap it for something else. No OoDS because it makes the thing a wyrm, which makes Athena's eff useless on it.

CnC appreciated~

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InstantNorden is strong here. It can bring back Seraphs and, as a fairy, plays well with Superbia and Athena. It makes R4s a cinch and gives you full fodder for Shinato.


There's also Honest to support the plethora of LIGHTs, Manju if you wanna push the ritual side, and Foolish Burial for the more direct sending.


As for stuff to take out, Trade-In looks pretty inconsistent as it is unsearchable while you really only have 1 target you want to dump with it anyway. Urgent Ritual Art does seem excessive, though I suppose it helps if Ark was dumped with Summoner Monk, but it could probably be cut to 2. As for monsters, I'm gonna agree with Armz on this. Scales isn't really that great. You'd probably be better off with just Stick/Chair.

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InstantNorden is strong here. It can bring back Seraphs and, as a fairy, plays well with Superbia and Athena. It makes R4s a cinch and gives you full fodder for Shinato.


There's also Honest to support the plethora of LIGHTs, Manju if you wanna push the ritual side, and Foolish Burial for the more direct sending.


As for stuff to take out, Trade-In looks pretty inconsistent as it is unsearchable while you really only have 1 target you want to dump with it anyway. Urgent Ritual Art does seem excessive, though I suppose it helps if Ark was dumped with Summoner Monk, but it could probably be cut to 2. As for monsters, I'm gonna agree with Armz on this. Scales isn't really that great. You'd probably be better off with just Stick/Chair.


You also want to send Darklord to the grave.

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Scrap 1 Transformation for Valhalla?



InstantNorden is strong here. It can bring back Seraphs and, as a fairy, plays well with Superbia and Athena. It makes R4s a cinch and gives you full fodder for Shinato.


There's also Honest to support the plethora of LIGHTs, Manju if you wanna push the ritual side, and Foolish Burial for the more direct sending.


As for stuff to take out, Trade-In looks pretty inconsistent as it is unsearchable while you really only have 1 target you want to dump with it anyway. Urgent Ritual Art does seem excessive, though I suppose it helps if Ark was dumped with Summoner Monk, but it could probably be cut to 2. As for monsters, I'm gonna agree with Armz on this. Scales isn't really that great. You'd probably be better off with just Stick/Chair.


Valhalla just seems kinda eh to me in this build. I don't wanna run hecatrice to make it searchable, and as a one-of I don't think I'd draw into it early enough to use. 


Oh yeah Norden. I'll replace art with IF, though not sure on what to ditch in extra for nordens. 


Trade-in is actually pretty choice since I can send dead shinatos to grave and get him back with pre-prep.


Scales can actually be bonkers, but now that norden's been mentioned I guess scales doesn't have a strong need to be here. 


I'll update this later, thanks peeps~

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Playtesting left me with this:5ddfd608bd.jpg

-1 Trade-in: Few targets

-2 Twin Twister: I felt it hit the decks already required discard badly

+1 Solemn Warning

+1 Solemn Notice: Both of these were infinitely more useful than Twister

-2 Star Seraph Scout: Dead draws galore and...

+2 Star Seraph Scales: Monk says hi.

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Playtesting left me with this:

-1 Trade-in: Few targets

-2 Twin Twister: I felt it hit the decks already required discard badly

+1 Solemn Warning

+1 Solemn Notice: Both of these were infinitely more useful than Twister

-2 Star Seraph Scout: Dead draws galore and...

+2 Star Seraph Scales: Monk says hi.

Trade-in with a pre-prep equals two draws by itself, and since pre-prep can also grab shin from grave, it's not that bad.

TT gets Athena and Superb in grave and pops the ever-prevalent pend scales and pesky face-downs

TT is too prevalent to use the solemns, imo. Plus, this deck isn't really about stopping the opp's plays, but rather forwarding your own. 

Scout is indeed dead sometimes, but scales can make stick miss timing if I want to recycle, so it's a double-edged sword. 


Also why put Krystia in, the entire deck is basically "Let's special Summon everything and hope for the best."


And if anything, transformation is probably the thing to loose, considering it's a -1, but it can also get out Athena and is monk fodder so it has a place here. 

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Well, replaced the Solemns with a Twister and Trade-in again, and replaced 1 Scale with Scout (I need at least one Scale just in case) and this happened:





Guess that worked. I still think Scale has a place. And I forgot to mention I have 3 IF and Norden.

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I found 3 nord unnecessary since athena and superb are in here. I run 3 IF to get it fast and monk fodder. 


And yeah, the deck either explodes or falls flat, so plays like that aren't too uncommon.


Scales does get draws off of any and all hand ss's, which can be usefull, but drawing into an Ark is bad since it just makes dead pre-preps. 

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