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The Gates of Amala (Archfiend Deck)


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Because this doesn't use Archfiend Palabyrinth. Does Amala even have gates? Does anyone even know what I'm referencing?


The Archfiends and Fiend type in general were always my favorite monsters, and the other day I felt like making a deck of them. This is a... an okay build I guess, at least for what's an underused archetype that's never played. I decided to use The Gates of Dark World instead of Archfiend Palabyrinth because with Gates, I can set the graveyard up for Roar or Cavalry plays, and of course, use it to get a draw (which this deck needs).


Archfiend Soldier is in there for Rescue Rabbit plays and as discard/banish fodder to get the job done with Gates. Grepher and Armageddon there are to set up the Graveyard and trigger Heiress.


Damn shame Cavalry restricts Archfiends summoned by his effect from attacking, he'd be 8/8 if he didn't. Also a damn shame Commander can't attack the turn he's Special Summoned by his own effect. K00m1 wai ;-;?


Anything to be said?

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I don't recall Amala having gates. Just grotesque doors and brutal floors.


The deck looks interesting, but awkward. Unclear on the purpose of the higher-Level Archfiends if there aren't good Xyz to make with them.


If only the Archfiends could get support to make them as formidable and terrifying as its floors... and the Fiends themselves ;-;...


The Commander and Emperor are there mainly as beatsticks. I can't even summon anything other than Fiends with Emperor out anyway. Still, Commander can trigger Cavalry, Heiress, and Supply Squad, and Emperor can act as removal.

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Sinister Yorishiro is always a solid tech in Archfiends, as it allows better milage out of Empress and Emperor than just mainly Trade-In targets, or in the card of Emperor, a weak removal option that consumes your normal summon.  Speaking of which, the Trade-In engine is very solid for archfiends.  honestly think the pseudo-vanilla engine you currently have going might be too weak in comparison.  It just seems a bit conidtional and prone to bricking.


Gate's is solid, however I usually perfer running Palabyrinth and Escape from the Dark Dimension as they give archfiends some decent speed and free Xyz power, without completely screwing them over.

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