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Canadian man indicted in China for "spying"

Mutant Monster RAEG-HAPYP

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I want to see what "evidence" they found, but it's probably not going to be shown anytime soon.

This is what happened to tourists that resided in Iran. They were recently released. 


I guess they are under paranoid circumstances to be accusing tourists of espionage.

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China's been known for fabricating accusations that never actually occurred for quite a while now, so this doesn't come off as too much of a surprise.

But yeah, if they have no legitimate proof that he was indeed spying on China, then he should not be indicted and be allowed to go home.




I want to see what "evidence" they found, but it's probably not going to be shown anytime soon.


Think we all want to see it, but agreed that we probably won't get a look until later on. Most, if not all of the evidence, is probably fake.

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