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The Political Compass


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To be honest, you either support a notion or you don't. There is no such thing as neutral, in my opinion, and if there was, you still support one option more over the other once the time comes. It's my general policy to never slightly agree or disagree, since that's beating around the bush.


Anyways, this is what I got:



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I would be more libertarian but it depends on the circumstances such as what country one is,  what condition it is in ect. Of course I would mind being a fascist, if I was in power that is, because who doesn't want absolute authority? I find socialism interesting though, although I don't this country is capable of adopting it.


I would share my answers if you wish, but they made be a little unsettling, even I found them kind of "fringe".

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Well this is interesting. Going on this alone, many of you, at least principally, don't have your views well-represented by a presidential candidate (I'm assuming the majority here are American). Bernie is closest for most.


I'll concede it's not a perfect test. Ideally it would separate social and economic views as someone can be socially left-wing but economically right-wing etc. Also yeah I'd have liked to be neutral on a couple of questions, mostly just due to lack of a full understanding.

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Also yeah I'd have liked to be neutral on a couple of questions, mostly just due to lack of a full understanding.

I'll admit- I solved a lot of Megacorporation questions blindly.


I really dont think they're all bad or all good but im not entirely sure what drives them or what moves them.

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To be honest, you either support a notion or you don't. There is no such thing as neutral, in my opinion, and if there was, you still support one option more over the other once the time comes. It's my general policy to never slightly agree or disagree, since that's beating around the bush.


There are also notions that I have no opinion on because I don't know anything about them. If I don't know anything about them, my opinion in this poll is probably different to what my actual opinion would be. 


As such, a non committal option for these kinds of questions would've been nice. 


EDIT; And no, for a simple poll like this I won't educate myself for the kind of knowledge of economics I'd need. Because that would take far to long for a simple poll like this. 

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Yeah, kinda expected this. I am assuming however this is the American left. I do agree with Black though, I would have loved neutral options for some of these.

You are like a unit down from where I am. Thats insanely close.


Well this is interesting. Going on this alone, many of you, at least principally, don't have your views well-represented by a presidential candidate (I'm assuming the majority here are American). Bernie is closest for most.

I feel like Bernie is the favored candidate for a lot of younger voters.

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You are going to be dead before that happens, mate. And it's funny that Clinton is closer to you than I thought.

Yeah, if Sander's was a little more aggressive than he'd be my guy, but as he stands at the moment, he's not efficient enough for what I desire. Putin is the closest any world leader can get to me atm


Hillary with Sander's Economic Policies would be a good match for me though. 

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