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Imaginary girfriends: Is it an issue or not?


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To be honest, I have an imaginary girlfriend. Now before you proceed to call me a weirdo and mock me, listen to what I have to say and then you can make your judgment.


Now I've had this imaginary girlfriend for about a year now. I do not physically pretend she exists and talk to her in real life go out on dates in real life ECT. What I do is day dream what it would be like to have a girlfriend. It doesn't interfere with my everyday routine, I daydream for like 10 minutes at least daily. I don't really know why I do this, because I don't want a girlfriend. Its probably looked down upon in our society but I could care less, I don't impulsively do this, I do it when I want. I do enjoy daydreaming about this imaginary girlfriend so its not against my will.


So I ask you YCM, do you think its ok for someone to have an imaginary girlfriend? Or do you think its an unhealthy habit which can lead to serious problems?

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Honestly, so long as you're aware she's imaginary, and it's not harming you or people around you in any meaningful way, who am I to give a funk? Honestly, you do you, keep doing what you do so long as everything is within bounds. Imagining relationships, as far as I can tell, is something most people in general do- even those already in real relationships!


Honestly, I say it time and time again: our only enemy is extremism. Live within bounds and no one else's opinions matter.

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This is my favorite comparison for how much of a pipe dream his getting a girlfriend might be.


I don't really see a problem with an imaginary girlfriend and I really don't think it's unhealthy (heck, haven't most of us daydreamed about having a girlfriend one time or another) but this had got to be the best comment of 2016.

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I know the feeling.  To be honest the main issue is that daydreaming all the time can prevent you from truly living in reality.  It's not out of the ordinary for introverts, but it can and will prevent you from talking to people and thus obtaining a real girlfriend.


But I don't want one, that is why I do the daydreaming, because I don't have to deal with the negative effects of having one.

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Perhaps I'm doing this because I subconsciously want a girlfriend? I suppose I may have done this a year ago as a way to feel better about myself?



There has been a request of sorts that involves me describing her....


She is shorter than me, is a little thick not to much though, She's white and has a southern accent. She has the same interests I do, listens to the same music, has similar beliefs ect. 


Oh my, I cringed quite I bit whilst typing this.

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Perhaps I'm doing this because I subconsciously want a girlfriend? I suppose I may have done this a year ago as a way to feel better about myself?



There has been a request of sorts that involves me describing her....


She is shorter than me, is a little thick not to much though, She's white and has a southern accent. She has the same interests I do, listens to the same music, has similar beliefs ect. 


Oh my, I cringed quite I bit whilst typing this.

Happy for you dude


Personally I enjoy the single life, cause no real ties and more freedom, but w/e floats your boat

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There's a very large difference between what you've implied you're doing ("dating" a fictional character) and what you're actually doing (thinking about a potential future).


Of course it's normal to think about things like that, it's a bit strange though that you say you have no interest in an actual girlfriend.

Speaking kind of from experience, it may just be that you haven't found anyone in real life who lives up to your expectations.


I would often think "but that would never happen", and then, well, sometimes things happen.

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