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[2000 posts] - RR Revolution Falcon

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Level 6 Winged Beast-Type monsters
You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; this turn, this card can attack all monsters your opponent controls, once each. At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles an opponent's face-up Special Summoned monster: That monster's ATK and DEF become 0. If this card has a "RaidraptorXyz Monster as Xyz Material, it gains this effect.
Once per turn: You can target 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy it, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the ATK that monster had on the field.


So first of all my rate of posting on this site has picked up so rapidly over such a short period I'm left contemplating sudoku over the downward spiral in productivity that has accompanied it. Secondly, this card has only become better the more RR shit that gets made. Skip Force is genuinely made good by the propensity of this card to OTK, and of course it being a stepping stone to Satellite Cannon/Ultimate Falcon in non-Last Strix-oriented RR.


The Volcasaurus-esque effect is alright, made better by not having a cost but half-burn is a bit shite. The multi-attack though, and reducing what is going to be basically everything it faces to 0/0 stats, permanently, is just wonderful. It's an OTK machine, has a beautiful art, and can be brought out easily. I used not to like it so much but I love it now. Discuss if there's anything to say over it. Oh and it's first anime appearance was cool as fuck.

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For terms of Raidraptors, this card was amazing. Fair stats with an absurd effect to balance out. Of course, the more powerful Skip Force Rank-Up nowadays is Last -> Satellite -> Ultimate, but this card is still a very great OTK enabler that can clear a board by battle that rivals something like Lunalight. I used this against Kozmos once, and it was pretty funny for him to not know I could mill through his stuff at 0 ATK each. Amazing card.

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