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[TCG] Trying to make Neos Fusion good again (help please)


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[spoiler=Deck list]

Monsters (11)

2x Elemental HERO Neos

3x Elemental HERO Prisma

1x Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird

1x Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin

1x Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab

1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

2x Summoner Monk


Spells (23)

3x A Hero Lives

3x Emergency Call

3x Miracle Contact

2x MST

3x Neo Space

3x Terraforming

1x Raigeki


1x Soul Charge

3x Upstart Goblin


Traps (6)

1x BTH

1x CED

2x Mirror Force

1x Warning

1x Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck (12)

1x Air Neos

1x Aqua Neos

1x Flare Neos

1x Grand Neos

1x Magma Neos

1x Storm Neos

1x Number 17

1x Number 39: Utopia (Original)

1x Excalibur

1x Cowboy

1x Blade Armor Ninja

1x Wind-Up Zenmaines


Side Deck (7)

1x Neo-Spacian Dark Panther

1x Neo-Spacian Glow Moss

2x Instant Neo Space

1x Chaos Neos

1x Dark Neos

1x Glow Neos




So the main basis of this deck is to use different Fusion Summons using Elemental Hero Neos. A good amount of the deck strategie is getting cards from the Deck to the graveyard with Prisma, then recycling them with Miracle Contact. My two favorites are Storm and Air. 

CnC would be appreciated a lot.


EDIT: Updated. Thanks for the help guys. If there needs to be more changes post here so I can know. Thanks :)

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I'm not sure why the deck wants Magical Mallet, I find that because it's a -1, it's only really good in decks that have stuff that are realllllly likely to be dead draws, such as a /Assault Mode deck. Unless there is something in particular you want to use it for, I would replace them with other draw power/search cards, such as Reinforcement of the Army or Upstart Goblin, or bringing A Hero Lives up to 3.


What's 3 Polymerization for? Rainbow Neos is unsummonable, as you cannot use King of the Swamp as a Fusion Substitute because of this clause: "Must be Fusion Summoned with the above Fusion Material Monsters and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways." The Neos Fusions (except Knight) are Contact Fusions that don't use Polymerization. That leaves only Neos Knight summonable with Poly, which to be honest isn't very good, so you are better off removing Polymerization entirely as well as Rainbow Neos and Neos Knight. Removing Polymerization also leaves King of the Swamp useless as it can't be used as a Fusion substitute for Contact Fusions, so remove those as well.


I don't know what would be good replacements for those 5 maindeck slots, however further deck thinning/search power might be helpful. Running some Shadow Mist + Mask Change could work, although I have very little experience with HEROs so I wouldn't know. Neo Space is a card you want to have out, so it may be worth bringing that up to 3. The 2 spare Extra Deck slots should probably be taken up by generic Rank 3 or 4 Xyz such as Castel the Skyblaster Musketeer, Daigusto Emeral or Super Quantum Mecha Best Granpulse. Alternatively put in Masked HEROes if you decide to run Mask Change.


Anyway, I hope this helps.

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