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Lore: Send 1 face-up monster you control to the GraveyardSpecial Summon from your Deck, 1 monster with the same Type and Attribute as that monster in the Graveyard, but 1 Level higher. You can only activate 1 "Transmodify" per turn.


Y'know, this card can actually do a lot of interesting things in a lot of decks. Some that make sense (Aria the Melodious Diva into Elegy the Melodious Diva), and some that are kinda...weird (Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan into U.A. Mighty Slugger or U.A. Perfect Ace).


But it's because of the latter that I consider this to be one of the best tech-enablers in the game.


Of course, the former isn't bad either. Goblin Zombie into Endless Decay is actually a pretty legit transformation.


What are some transformations enabled by this card that you personally like?



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oracle king d arc into abys ragnarock, you end up recovering d arc (pretty common play in TCG D/D/D)



Whelps, came in here to say this too.

It's actually a really powerful play, that either nets you a heavy storm, or it just puts a threat remover on board.

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