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Gogogo Attack & Defense

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Gogogo Aristera & Dexia


While you control another "Gogogomonster, your opponent cannot target "Gogogo" monsters you control for attacks or card effects. An Xyz Monster that was Summoned using only this card and other "Gogogo" monsters as Xyz Material gains this effect.

● When it is Xyz Summoned: You can target 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls; change it to Defense Position, and if you do, its DEF becomes 0.

This card... this freakin' card...


I've been tinkering with a Koaki Rock Stun deck featuring Ties of the Brethren (Ties completely ramps up the tempo of the deck.  Credit goes to whomever was the one to suggest it, it plays beautifully), and I decided to try a little Gogogo engine in there to add some offense/stall depending on what I need.  With the right setup, this card can basically stall out for a win and it's never expected.



EDIT: I know what I want to discuss now...


Quite frankly, it doesn't stop Ignister, so it's meh to me.


Ok, ok.  Yeah, I admit, I saw that coming.  There's also Kaijus, so that's a thing.  I was originally gonna type up that this thing is basically a tougher-to-crack Kozmo ship and thus has most of the same offensive weaknesses ("offensive" in this case meaning opponent initiated + during their turn) as Kozmo except for battle and Chimeratech.


...However, this format isn't going to last forever.  I, personally, am of the opinion that this card will be ridiculously frustrating to get around in one format, then meh the next.  Now, it is meh, but considering powercreep, does this have hope to be good?


And, in a more general sense, what makes a card "good"?  While some (most) cards lose power over time, what is it that makes others gain power?


(This should probably be in theories but I also wanna hear opinions on this card itself so w/e)

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Not familiar with the Gogogos, but I am slightly familiar with Rock Stun. The problem with this card seems analogous to Aria, the Melodious Diva in that, they can stall a couple turns, but they don't add any offensive pressure. Your opponent will eventually get an out, and in the meantime, they'll be able to beat over your Koakis and set up their boards. I think Ties would better be used on multiple Koakis, so as to prevent them from setting up


Cards like these certainly are good for what they do, but they don't necessarily contribute to winning the duel per se

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