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Naturia Beast

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That's what has been said, yes.


To reiterate. Other than beast, GOSR hits Monkeyboard, Luster, and Ptolemaeus. Hitting Monkeyboard and luster as a 1-4-1 play is decent but doesn't shift the game enough. Hitting ptolemaeus is better, and is a decent, actually significant enough niche to have to make its inclusion justifiable (although I'd say stopping Raff should be something more important). These utilities justifies it to be run at 1-2 in main or some in side, but not more since drawing multiples is plain awful. However, while in the case of Beast, as I think I've mentioned before, it requires to be a 2 for 1 trade. In a stage of game where you wouldn't have the resource to spare just yet. And even worse, Beast is not even mandatory, so you'd probably lose an important card in your way to kill Beast too. Your opp will still be in a better position now.


Eccentrick and R4 enablers are also an answer, but unlike a handtrap, they're prone to other things your opponent can crap out alongside Beast like say, raff, infinity, or traps they get.


Veilering the King helps a looooooooot. Probably the best way to answer it since they wouldn't be able to stop it unless they go infinity first (very unlikely) since you'd be able to play without murdering your hand when you go to your turn. So more or less even the common answers atm are pretty shaky in itself, especially since the player facing beast is the one having the disadvantage.


BriFu would be wonderful to see more tbh. Felt like the consistency boost BOSHPal gives would make it pretty justifiable now since it gives the Performage part a big boost in consistency for more early game explosiveness.

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