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What are your dreams?

Aerion Brightflame

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Any or all of the following.

A. Strike it lucky and get really filthy rich so I can do anything I want and make things happen by sponsoring them.

B. Just be a part of the technological revolution of the coming years (e.g. AI, virtual reality)

C. Earn enough money from my main job to live comfortably and possibly write novels as a hobby/side job. Possibly get involved in cool initiatives and watch the world change.

D. Take over the world, trap everyone in a virtual world where I am omnipotent and everything is ideal, play God until I get bored, then reincarnate repeatedly and live exciting lives.

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At first, I thought this thread was going to be more literal, as in dreams in your sleep. Anywho:


What I dream to do is basically anything with drawing anime; not any exact job, but animator keeps coming to mind.


Edit: Everyone else's pretty elaborate; I should, too.


I want to have a good home, a spouse, and a daughter, and make sure I have enough money for everything I'd need and want (pretty generic).


I want to live at least up to my 70s.

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At first, I thought this thread was going to be more literal, as in dreams in your sleep. Anywho:


What I dream to do is basically anything with drawing anime; not any exact job, but animator keeps coming to mind.

Animation seems like such a gruelling and monotonous job. Would be exciting at first, but I dunno about drawing almost the same picture over and over, especially when the work you are involved in could be subpar to awful. Writer or director is where it's at.

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Animation seems like such a gruelling and monotonous job. Would be exciting at first, but I dunno about drawing almost the same picture over and over, especially when the work you are involved in could be subpar to awful. Writer or director is where it's at.

Basically anything with drawing in said art style in general. Do you anything else in that department? I'm not much of a writer.
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