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Magical Mallet

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Shuffle any number of cards from your hand into the Deck, then draw that same number of cards.




A card that overall makes you lose hand advantage, but may eventually see play in lower tier decks for the following 2 reasons.


1) For decks that employ a turn 1 lock to combat the meta, drawing this is ideal when you brick, as if this card was something else, it wouldn't help you in that situation anyways.

2) When you draw the perfect hand to form the soft or hard lock, you can use this to dig further in the deck for more traps and combo pieces.


This of course does not apply to top tier decks like PePe due to their consistency, but this may be applicable to lower tier decks without a true way to overwhelm the opponent and win other than locking turn 1. Simply another cute theory that has not yet been fully tested.



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