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Childhood toys/games


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It's funny I think the only Crash thing I played back then was a Demo of something that had a bunch of mini-games along with it. Was fun though.


I remember I played mostly with my imagination, and cats, we had a lot of cats.

My brother had action figures, my sister had dolls, sometimes I played with the two of them.

I also had some toys myself but not as much and didn't use them as often.

I still have my stuffed animals though. Those I had a bunch of.

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It's funny I think the only Crash thing I played back then was a Demo of something that had a bunch of mini-games along with it. Was fun though.


Care to elaborate? Cause I remember only playing a demo of Spyro through a code inputted in the start menu of Crash 3.

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Let's see...

  • Hot Wheels (most of them are probably gone or buried inside that giant tool box that I kept my toys in)
  • Yugioh cards (by now, a few of my oldest ones are gone or they're somewhere in the house)
  • Legos (the giant kind; don't think I have them anymore)
  • Stuffed animals in my room (most of them are still around)
  • GBA (still have it around, but the battery is getting bad)
  • Model train stuff (pretty much Thomas & Friends; think most of the pieces are gone by now [i didn't buy the whole set though])

As for Crash, I've only played maybe two games from it; one is a Gamecube version which I forgot the name of (but remember it involved elemental masks) and the other is some old PS2 one that my uncle had.
Probably still have a few childhood toys in that box, but either I broke them by now or whatever.
(I haven't opened it in who knows how long)

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Tinker toys.

^ This. Ever wonder why I took the name "Tinkerer"? Twas all this.


Also Legos, Lincoln Logs, Etch-a-sketch, Thomas trains, some Hot Wheels, a little computer thing I only know as "Monsteriffic", and Age of Empires.


EDIT: Oh, and Pokemon Crystal. And Backyard Baseball 2001.

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Until I was 14 years old, the only Legos I had were the larger thick ones; didn't get a set until Christmas day when I was 14. I also had practically a chest full of random toys, but later down my childhood, an excessive amount of dust fell on them. As for games, I had a PlayStation (original) with Driver, Grand Theft Auto 2, Stuart Little 2, I got Grand Theft Auto: Vice City when I was 5, two Spy Hunters games, then a Nintendo Gamecube eith Mario Kart: Double Dash when I was 8, Super Mario Sunshine, a few licensed games, Shadow the Hedgehog, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, got Rachet: Deadlocked and Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal for the PS2, Sonic Heroes, a Nintendo DS with a few licensed games (I didn't get a Pokemon game until I was 15) Resident Evil 2, 4, and Code Veronica X, and a Nintendo Wii.

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I recall some old games that were small enough to fit onto a 1.44MB floppy disk. I have no idea where those disks are, but I'd jump at the chance to play them again.


Oh, right. Most of them are demos. Maybe I'll go digging for some full-version ROMs.


I did love the JumpStart series and did manage to play through 4th Grade again recently due to its infamy of failing to load properly in the past.


Got Jedi Academy on Steam but haven't really started it up again. Won't mind doing so if I find myself with excess free time.

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Joining the Lego train. Built like crazy when I was younger. Also used to build with Jenga blocks and some kind of larger wooden blocks I forget the name of. Looked kind of like miniature planks.

As for games, the earliest I recall was Mulle Meck, a surprisingly high-quality edutainment game that revolved around building various vehicles (cars, boats and planes) and then exploring with them.

And then my cousins introduced me and my brother to Rayman 2. Very big source of nostalgia, that. 

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