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Help! I don't know what to cut ;-; [PePe]


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3 Juggler

1 Hatricker

1 Tricklown

3 Thunder Dragon

2 Vector

2 Ariadne

3 Luster Pendulum

1 Mirror Conductor

1 Plushfire

2 Guitartle

1 Lizardraw

3 Monkeyboard

3 Wizard

3 Joker


2 Face-off

2 Twin Twister

2 Wavering Eyes


1 Bottomless

3 Solemn Strike

1 Solemn Warning

1 Time-Space Trap Hole





3 Droll & Lock Bird

2 Effect Veiler

1 Glow-up Bulb

2 Donkey

1 Lizardraw

1 Twin Twister

1 Wavering Eyes

3 Shadow Mirror

1 Naturia Beast





1 Dinoster

2 Ignister

1 Castel

1 Pleiades

1 Infinity

1 Nova

1 Majester Paladin

1 Meliae

1 Utopia

1 Utopia the Lightning

1 Azzathoth

1 Trapeze

1 Ptolemaeus

1 Rafflesia



So yeah, decided to try the Thunder Dragon route. Don't know what to cut to make it an even 40.


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Ariadne and counter traps. If you're playing Azathoth, you can play Harbinger


Max out on Plushfire, and play hand traps at w/e ratio you prefer. TD is interesting but not needed IMO, esp with Juggler around for TT


If you don't have solemn judgment running notice is a excellent way to take a hammer to the knee.

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It looks like it's going to be vastly unlikely that I'll be able to summon #38, since it would require me having 2 ED Dracoslayers on the field . With Azathoth, I have match-up options, and can consistently go into it, which I can't with #38.

Ofc you can go into #38 easily. The fusion is a great card to end your field on and is piss easy to summon. Take my word on this Dyson, been playing this deck forever, 38 is the greatest asset the deck has atm.


My point with Azz is you're not playing a TCG only card purist deck like others, so Harbinger shouldn't upset your morals too much

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I'm not really a fan of the Thunder Dragon play. It's just a big chunk of space that only pays off into an exploitable Rank 5. It doesn't matter if it can be popped by Sorcerer or can be a good beater...in the end, it takes up valuable space. No more, no less.


If you're true to TCG, don't try to run Azzathoth or Lightning, otherwise keep it and try running 38. It's easy if you get Ignister + Dinoster Powerful, and it won't cost you if you do this MP2 after you wipe out their resources. If you're TCG, go for Felgrand instead. If you don't think you're not cut out for getting the R8 soon then consider things like Diamond Dire Wolf (triggers the clowns, and is bait for backrow), Abyss Dweller (VERY good this format. Stops Juggler, turns of BA & Yang Zing, and other misc effs. Very effective if you run Jigabyte + King of the Feral Imps, which is also a high recommendation if you want to stick to TCG).


Replacements for the Thunder Dragons would be:

-A third Wavering Eyes (VERY VERY crucial card)

-x2 Plushfire (It needs to be run in multiples to make Luster, Sorcerer, and Wavering Eyes plays more potent. I can't imagine why you run only 1)

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I'm not really a fan of the Thunder Dragon play. It's just a big chunk of space that only pays off into an exploitable Rank 5. It doesn't matter if it can be popped by Sorcerer or can be a good beater...in the end, it takes up valuable space. No more, no less.


If you're true to TCG, don't try to run Azzathoth or Lightning, otherwise keep it and try running 38. It's easy if you get Ignister + Dinoster Powerful, and it won't cost you if you do this MP2 after you wipe out their resources. If you're TCG, go for Felgrand instead. If you don't think you're not cut out for getting the R8 soon then consider things like Diamond Dire Wolf (triggers the clowns, and is bait for backrow), Abyss Dweller (VERY good this format. Stops Juggler, turns of BA & Yang Zing, and other misc effs. Very effective if you run Jigabyte + King of the Feral Imps, which is also a high recommendation if you want to stick to TCG).


Replacements for the Thunder Dragons would be:


-A third Wavering Eyes (VERY VERY crucial card)

-x2 Plushfire (It needs to be run in multiples to make Luster, Sorcerer, and Wavering Eyes plays more potent. I can't imagine why you run only 1)


I support this suggestion. Thunder Dragon is a very cute tech that can lead to a very strong board, but ultimately it is only good turn 1 where you can end on a solid board consisting of CDI and Pleiades. The space is better used up with combo pieces that can extend your plays and break up soft lock boards.

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