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Neutral Characterization in Society


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If there's one thing I can't stand, it's differentiation in gender, race, religion, etc in society where it's avoidable.


That being said, there are times where referring to both men and women as "guys" and women wouldn't be offended cause "guy" is a common term for males. However, we get to the point where people refer to those who aren't offended by this as "ignorant", which makes me ask: Is there any possible way we can refer to each other as a "human being" or anything related to the fact that we're all human therefore should all be treated as such? The same goes for races, whether you're black, white, Asian, hispanic, etc... it shouldn't matter, because conclusions should only be made upon their actions and not their looks.



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When trying to indicate a specific person you know the gender of, she/her/him/etc is fine.

Usually I just call people "they" unless the person indicates otherwise or I know them enough and know their gender for sure.


It's weird saying "they" cause it's literally referring to more than one person, yet it's the best thing to do in an anonymous setting such as this.

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When trying to indicate a specific person you know the gender of, she/her/him/etc is fine.

Usually I just call people "they" unless the person indicates otherwise or I know them enough and know their gender for sure.


Same. Unless I know the person, I really just go by "They" or "Them".


In the case of statements like "Don't be that guy", I don't think too hard about them because that's ridiculous and not really solving anything by changing that.


Really, it's just like... addressing people and using pronouns? Guys works as a gender-neutral plural, and I'll use it that way. If I know someone and use the wrong pronoun or w/e and they get mad but I didn't know any better; sweet, I can take the time to know better.


I dunno what we're even arguing about now.

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Still feels weird.

grow up



neutral characterization is good but you'd be a fool for expecting society to move towards using it as a whole, since the ideas of a binary gender are so ingrained.  people will always default to one or the other and be weirded out when you use they, it's just a fact of life.

"blacks and whites will never integrate"

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neutral characterization is good but you'd be a fool for expecting society to move towards using it as a whole, since the ideas of a binary gender are so ingrained.  people will always default to one or the other and be weirded out when you use they, it's just a fact of life.


Finally, someone gets it.


Though, I'll be honest, it's sheet like the conflict at hand that makes it hard to have nice things.

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