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TheStreet: "Despite What You've Heard, Disney's 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Is Racist"

Halubaris Maphotika

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While I agree that Finn is an ex-slave, largely comic relief character and that the inclusion of a black character isn't necessarily progressive, it's definitely worth noting that his enslavers were The First Order, who were clearly the villains. The white stormtrooper suit is an interesting tool of assimilation, and as Finn is the only Stormtrooper whose face we've seen it begs the question of what the others look like. Poe Dameron, the character that calls FN-2187 "Finn", is not played by a white actor but by a Guatemalan one. It should also be taken into account that Finn goes from a slave name to a name he likes, the opposite of Roots' Kunta Kinte who is forced by whipping to accept the slave name of Toby Waller and discard his preferred name.  


Yes, the protagonist is still white, but so is General Hux, who orders the destruction of an entire system full of people after an awfully Nazi-like speech as well as of course Kylo Ren.


There're contradictory spectrums of sensitivities to gender and race issues and to satisfy everyone isn't possible (in this case as you can see from the article the movie was attacked by egalitarians and white supremacists alike), I think the new trilogy is off to a fine start in that regard, especially for an adaptation of a product of the 80's led by Disney. 

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This JABRONI didn't even watch the funking movie.  I'd just say he's wrong and leave it at that, but let's....




>Finn as a slave.


UH, no.  That's not what a slave is.  Stormtroopers are indoctrinated soldiers.  There is a difference.  He doesn't have a slave name, he has an identifier because he never had a real name.  It's meant to remove a sense of identity, to make him into a mindless weapon.  And, as Crab Helmet pointed out, Poe Dameron ain't even white.  It's a buddy buddy nickname thing, this whole thing is such a funking stretch.


This douche-bag is reducing a wonderful character to a bunch of racial stereotypes, which is, guess what, PRETTY funking RACIST.  I'm sorry some people can't see past ethnicity.  Finn is not just a black man in star wars.  He is a man.  He is THE man.  


> Finn is a buffoon.  "he can't fight"


Okay, BACK THE funk UP.


Lemme tell you all about Finn.  He can fight.  You know all those scenes in the movie where he FIGHTS sheet.  YEAH, THEY ACTUALLY HAPPENED


But he isn't just competent, he is a straight baller.  If you take the time to read the expanded material and stopped being a funking casual, you'd know that Finn is in the TOP PERCENTAGE OF STORMTROOPERS


That's right, there's a reason he went toe-to-toe with Kylo Ren and stood a chance.  He was top of his class with melee weaponry.  


And he ain't dumb.  He's funny.  He has a charismatic personality.  He's likable.  He's HUMAN.  Yeah he was a janitor.  What's wrong with being a janitor?  Not everyone needs to write bullshit fluff pieces for a living.


> Doesn't get the girl.


This argument is so retarded I'm not even going to say anything. 

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I'd be pretty surprised if Rey and Finn weren't a thing anyway, they seemed to be going in that direction but we'll see as the trilogy progresses I guess. 


Finn "didn't even get to kiss Rey. Romance tends to be at the center of American hero films, and if both Rey and Finn were Caucasian, I bet there would have been some lip lock at the end of the film," writes Joseph Phillip Illidge, the former Batman editor for DC Comics and co-owner of production company Verge Entertainment.


I mean, Rey does kiss Finn, for what that's worth.



Rey: We'll see each other again. I believe that. Thank you, my friend. 
[kisses Finn]




In the event they're not a thing, Finn not kissing Rey could also just as easily be attributed to Finn's lack of interest as "the script not allowing him to because racism".   




Just saying.

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This motherf***er didn't even watch the f***ing movie.  I'd just say he's wrong and leave it at that, but let's....




>Finn as a slave.


UH, no.  That's not what a slave is.  Stormtroopers are indoctrinated soldiers.  There is a difference.  He doesn't have a slave name, he has an identifier because he never had a real name.  It's meant to remove a sense of identity, to make him into a mindless weapon.  And, as Crab Helmet pointed out, Poe Dameron ain't even white.  It's a buddy buddy nickname thing, this whole thing is such a f***ing stretch.


This douche-bag is reducing a wonderful character to a bunch of racial stereotypes, which is, guess what, PRETTY f***ing RACIST.  I'm sorry some people can't see past ethnicity.  Finn is not just a black man in star wars.  He is a man.  He is THE man.  


> Finn is a buffoon.  "he can't fight"


Okay, BACK THE f*** UP.


Lemme tell you all about Finn.  He can fight.  You know all those scenes in the movie where he FIGHTS s***.  YEAH, THEY ACTUALLY HAPPENED


But he isn't just competent, he is a straight baller.  If you take the time to read the expanded material and stopped being a f***ing casual, you'd know that Finn is in the TOP PERCENTAGE OF STORMTROOPERS


That's right, there's a reason he went toe-to-toe with Kylo Ren and stood a chance.  He was top of his class with melee weaponry.  


And he ain't dumb.  He's funny.  He has a charismatic personality.  He's likable.  He's HUMAN.  Yeah he was a janitor.  What's wrong with being a janitor?  Not everyone needs to write bullshit fluff pieces for a living.


> Doesn't get the girl.


This argument is so retarded I'm not even going to say anything. 

Finn VS TR-8R was the match of the movie.

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This is meant to be low quality satire right?

There was a satirist by the name of "Godfrey Elfwick" who claimed that it was racist and e en managed to get an interview with the BBC. Then there's those that claimed the film was anti-white and was a Jewish conspiracy.


Trust me, the first movie was alot more racist than this one, since it was filled with stereotypes.

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There was a satirist by the name of "Godfrey Elfwick" who claimed that it was racist and e en managed to get an interview with the BBC. Then there's those that claimed the film was anti-white and was a Jewish conspiracy.


Trust me, the first movie was alot more racist than this one, since it was filled with stereotypes.

You do realize that the racist claim was not properly substantiated right? The difference in Jamaican and Gungan language that many people claimed was similar, is actually completely different and primarily assumed from their English Dialect. Nothing the Gungans do or are has any similarity to any real tribe on Earth.


Like, I will admit there are flaws, but that racist crap people keep saying about Phantom Menace holds no grounds.

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