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[MTG] Modern Ban List Changes

Flame Dragon

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Nobody should be surprised by Summer Bloom. Card was cancerous and encouraged a deck that was rapidly dominating. I was kinda expecting Ancient Stirrings to be banned instead of/in addition to, though.


Twin... wow. Didn't see that coming. Kiki's a replacement, sure, but it's much frailer. I get their logic, though. Any URx deck could side in the combo and win, and Twin itself could sideboard the combo out and just go control/tempo. It simply had too many avenues of attack, and it was doing the same thing as Pod by pushing similar decks out of the format. Wonder how things will shape up.


And not at all surprised by Cloud being banned. Esper Familiars was 60%+ of the Pauper meta.

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Twin being banned is kind of shocking. Its been a pillar of the format since it started, but it never really seemed too good. I honestly feel that change was made just to allow for a more different meta for the PT.


Personally, I would have preferred something get unbanned. Bloodbraid REALLY doesn't seem too good anymore and bringing that back would be interesting.

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"Please keep talking about how decks that weren't good before are going to be good now. Twin wasn't keeping most decks out of the format. Scapeshift isn't going to get better. U-Based Tron decks aren't going to get better. Delver decks aren't going to be good. If anything, UW Control decks are going to be more efficient. Infect is going to see more play. Affinity is going have a better win percentage. BGx is taking a hit from Twin being the best match up. Blue Moon or UR Control decks are going to be bad still, as most of their cards stack up poorly on what is already being played."


My rant on Facebook. I am working on a bigger rant atm, but that in the works.

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U is in a bad spot right now, without the inevitability of a combo win tron just steamrolls control in the long game. The rise of affinity, infect and tron will push BGx out of the meta. Its just all uninteractive, linear combo or aggro decks from here. Control decks can gear themselves to counter an aggro based meta but Tron is still an issue, and with its biggest predator gone, it can dedicate its sideboard to beating affinity and burn.

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