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Random Pokemon Team Generator

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This team is cute. I wanna make up little names and stories for them now. Used randomizers to determine names and genders.

  1. 413.gif
    Mirela, the lax female Wormadam.
    A sweetheart who is also the team "mom." Mirela is beloved by all, but especially by the children of the group. The weakest of the adults, she is also the one you really shouldn't target if you don't want the others after you.
  2. 347.gif
    Aragorn, the quirky male Anorith
    Named after the LOTR character, said name was chosen because of his obsession with nobility and justice. He also has a tendency to brood when things don't go his way.
  3. 571.gif
    Elysia, the calm female Zoroark
    Rather lacking in mischief compared to most of her species, Elysia prefers to watch the others interact from a distance. She is the team's powerhouse, but isn't very fond of fighting.
  4. 339.gif
    Icarus, the calm male Barboach
    Rather clever, he has a tendency to get ahead of himself a lot. Hates his species, and wishes he could fly through the sky like a bird.
  5. 191.gif
    Ronit, the bold female Sunkern
    Happy-go-lucky and innocent, Ronit doesn't know the meaning of fear or nervousness. She is the kind that dives in head-first and then thinks about it later.
  6. 350.gif
    Everett, the naughty male Milotic
    Beautiful and majestic, this Pokémon has broken many hearts and fooled many a male water type. He delights in such mischief, and often gets his trainer in trouble because of it.
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