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Quantum Athletes


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Dreadnought Dunker x1

Blockbacker x1

Rival Rebounder x3

Mighty Slugger x2

Red Layer x3

Perfect Ace x3

Midfielder x3

Assault Halberd x2

Blue Layer x2


Spells and Traps

Twin Twister x3

Signing Deal x3

Terraforming x3

Stadium x3

Powered Jersey x1

Feast of the Wild x1

Emergency Teleport x3

Penalty Box x3


Extra Deck

Quantum Blue Mech x1

Castel x1

Cowboy x1

Dark Rebellion x1

101 x1

103 x1

82 x1

Shark Fortress x1

Quantum Red Mech x1

Volcasaurus x1

Utopia Beyond x1

Strike Bounzer x1

M7 x1

Gaia Dragon x1

Big Eye x1


Yes, I like Quantums. It's a good engine with a lot of nice effects. I won't say much here, besides that Quantums add a really nice tribute engine for U.A. as they maintain hand-advantage together really well. Now, to address some questions that will for-sure prop up:


1. "Why do you only run 2 Blue Layers? Don't you want THREE?!"

- Blue Layer's recycle effect, that's why. I only run 2 because I don't want to open Blue Layer; I want it to be an Emergency Teleport target. Running 2 allows me to continuously recycle one back in the deck while having another in the grave for Red Layer to summon back for additional searches and maintain hand presence.


2. "Why don't you run more Quantums? Don't you want MAGNAS?!"

- U.A. isn't an extra-deck focused deck, and running the Quantum field spell will prevent me from running the U.A. field spell to its fullest potential. Pushing the deck's relationship beyond what it is here probably won't be wise for the deck's function as a whole.


3. "Why is your Extra Deck so weird?!"

- U.A. isn't an extra-deck focused deck. The monsters I chose are less "These are the options I will be going for a lot" and more "I would like these options there when I need them."


4. "Why do you run only 2 Mighty Sluggers?!"

- Mighty Slugger isn't on the field during my opponent's turn that often, and more often than not isn't even dying. His armades effect coupled with the fact of how often I trade him out means that he's not often a target that opponent is removing from the field; because chances are he won't be on the field. Perfect Ace, on the other hand, is a much more constant target than Mighty Slugger and is often the target of my opponent's removal (for obvious reasons).


5. "Why 3 Rival Rebounders?!"

- Rival Rebounder is a great card and only worth 1 tribute. Solid for bringing something back and putting two monsters on the field.


6. "Where's Goalkeeper or Playmaker?!"

- Goalkeeper's bad mmkay? Playmaker's bad mmkay?




Cards I want to run but space is a problem: U.A. Turnover Tactics and more tribute fodder (Assault Halberd)

Problems I find during dueling: Bricky hands happen a little too often. Thoughts on that; solutions?

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I was thinking of the same idea with the Super Quantum engine, but I revolved it all around Monarchs and Artifacts instead. You could probably cut down to 1 Blue Layer and add some Ghost Ogres for hand Traps. Ghost Ogre can also be used with Red Layer and possibly other U.As to make Omega and such. Glow-Up Bulb is also a neat tech to get Nat Beast which is very good this format.


3 Twisters and 3 Terras seem excessive. If you draw into 2 Terra or Stadium, you're gonna have a bad time. The ratio should be 3:2 at best. It's also fine if you cut down Rebounder to 2 as well.


You can always try out Reasoning as it gets U.As quicker and mills Penalty, but it does have weaknesses to other cards that can respond to it like Vanity's and Beast. Maxx "C" is also pretty good here as a hand trap to defend against swarming.

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