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(TCG) My take on the banlist

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Denko Sekka   

Performage Plushfire  ( I chose to ban this instead of limit, because it would reduce the power of Wizard as well as reducing the power of the Mage engine to its original state, and banning this would also mean not having to hit Juggler at this time.)

Tellarknight Ptolemaus

Wavering Eyes





Liberating Ariadne

Performapal Pendulum Wizard


Elder Entity Norden

Thousand-Eyes Restrict

Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer  (I chose to limit this instead of Luster, because Ignister is more cancerous than Luster is, and seeing 2 of these in a duel isn't that out of place. Its non-target, non-destruction removal (at least for the shuffle part) and it is absolutely crazy in that regard, and limiting Luster wouldn't stop this from happening. With it @1, it will promote more strategic usage of the card as well.)

Dante, Traveler of Burning Abyss

Evilswarm Exciton Knight  (When this card got banned, I was ecstatic. But upon looking back, it'll be a necessary evil if Pendulums keep going down the route they are going down)

Draco Faceoff

Instant Fusion

Solemn Strike




Compulsory Evacuation Device




Choices that I didn't give explanations on, should be fairly standard.

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I'd like to see Super Poly, Reborn, and DMoC w/ Errata back, but that's just me. Plush is Ok, but not totally needed imo. 3 Juggler should balance out 1 Eyes. Is Denko really that bad atm? And no Raigeki ban is bad


Did DMoC w/errata hit the TCG yet? I might have missed it.


I didn't ban Raigeki, because Raigeki is literally not doing anything right now.If Raigeki starts to really sway things, then it will be considered. But as it sits, it's not doing any of that.

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Did DMoC w/errata hit the TCG yet? I might have missed it.


I didn't ban Raigeki, because Raigeki is literally not doing anything right now.If Raigeki starts to really sway things, then it will be considered. But as it sits, it's not doing any of that.

Errata came out literally 2 days after they released the banlist in TCG


Rai polarizes the tier 2 drastically and while it doesn't always harm the tier 1 is make the difference between the tier very large

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So, are these changes to the current banlist, or a whole new banlist to replace the current ones?

Just wondering, latter could mean that a lot of the currently cards @0-2 would all become unlimited unless listed.


Almost all banlist discussions just list the changes to the current list. The first post would be tremendously large if it listed every currently banned/limited/semi'd card.


Unfortunately, I don't have enough knowledge of the game recently to be able to meaningfully otherwise contribute.

However, is it wise to have both Thousand-Eyes, Instant Fusion, and Kinko-Byo all around in the same format? That sounds like it might be dangerous.

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Almost all banlist discussions just list the changes to the current list. The first post would be tremendously large if it listed every currently banned/limited/semi'd card.


Unfortunately, I don't have enough knowledge of the game recently to be able to meaningfully otherwise contribute.

However, is it wise to have both Thousand-Eyes, Instant Fusion, and Kinko-Byo all around in the same format? That sounds like it might be dangerous.

It really isn't, honestly.


That's cheap removal on an NS that requires Xyzing in order to not lose TER... which means losing Kinka. If Kinka isn't good in the deck, anyway, that's not a good play, and Kinka is pretty much homeless.

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