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[600 Reps] Herald of the Arc Light

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Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Any monster sent from the hand or Main Deck to the Graveyard isbanished instead. During either player's turn, when a Spell CardTrap Card or monster effect is activated: You can Tribute this card; negatethe activation, and if you do, destroy that card. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can add 1 Ritual Monster or 1 Ritual Spell Card from your Deck to your hand.



This card has no notable meta significance, but it's grown a key part in Yang Zings and is even more abusable in Nekroz. Bian + Chiwen into this makes the Deck have a cunning first turn play that can neg any card without having it blown up by any monster with an ATK > 1000. Nekroz alongside the usual Kaleidomirror play can do:

-Math + Glow-Up

-Deep Sea Diva + Gishki Vision

-Deskbot 003 + Deskbot 001


Combined with Instant Fusion and Norden, You can get a +2 by using as Ritual Fodder and detaching it if summoned properly, which can make room for Valkyrus swarming. 

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Red resonator + Gishki Abyss or Beautunaful princess also works really well in Gishki btw.

(it's fun in agents as well, if you tech Red Resonator. Red Resonator + Venus in your hand first turn can make a field of Arc Light, Armored Kappa (for battle protection) and a Venus. Also, it's a LIGHT Fairy which makes it good Hyperion fodder or setup for Kristya.)

And I love the design of this card. It has a floodgate-ish effect, powerful negation and an optional search for those who run rituals. And it's generic and fairly easy to get rid of, which doesn't make it overly annoying for those who face against it. It's great design in my opinion. (It kinda ticks me off how cards like Zaborg and Kaleidomirror can abuse it, but that's just how it is. Actually summoning it makes it much more valuable anyway.)

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