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Fabled Valkyrus

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1 "Fabled" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, you can discard 1 Fiend-Type monster to draw 1 card.


I still really like this card. It's filtering and enabling on a big ass body, what's NOT to like?


... besides needing a fabled tuner...

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It could have at least discarded by effect.

Still, it's not practical to play. Hmm.. perhaps one could try it on D/Ds by teching 1 or 2 Fabled Tuners? But then there is the issue of being actually worth it or not.



Twin Twister/MC2


OCG has done crazier things with their BA *looks at the ever more popular Tele-Ghost engine*

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Except, you were implying it's sad s*** that they WERENT playing Trish. Which they aren't. It feels like you're complaining about Trish not being there. Probably should have made that clearer.

I mean I don't think it's a stretch to run Trishula in BA anymore. While the Tele engine is to complete your rank 3 Dante in case of Veiler, if you have both Rhino and Teleport, that's Trishula. 


But like Miror noted the problem is that you need to have Rhino which defeats the point of the problem Tele-Ghost was deigned to fix, ie. I'm sad that while my favorite card is feasible in the deck, you do need to go through a hoop in Rhino to get it out. 

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