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Synchro dragon

TX James

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1 Tuner + 1 or more non Tuner monsters
Synchro Summoning cannot be negated. Once per turn, you can reveal 1 card from your Hand (monster, spell or trap), your opponent then chooses 1 card they control that is the same as the revealed card and returns their chosen card to the bottom of their Deck. 
Just an idea of a generic level 6 synchro, all feedback welcome
hope you like it :)
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Hmm. I'm not clear on whether the first part is a God card clause or a general effect applied to both itself and all other Synchro summons that occur while it's on the field, would need clarification on that. If it is the latter then that's probably fair enough given the fragility of a lot of Synchro decks, but it still allows them to be Bottomless'd or Fiendish Chain'd or whatever on summon, so it's not enormously powerful.


Now as for the basically free Castel once per turn, I'm torn. On the one hand, your opponent chooses what they surrender. On the other hand, it has the obvious Creature Swap guidelines for usage, in that your only going to be going for the effect when your opponent only has 1 of a certain thing. What I do love about this is that it gets over all those "unaffected by card effects" guys, because again like Creature Swap, they're not being affected directly by the effect. Which now that I think of it really does sell this card to me.


A generic synch 6 out to Towers-esque effects is, to me, a nice thing. More outs than UTL are needed, and this provides one, while also being quite accessible for rank 4 decks due to Plaguespreader.

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