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Dino Pendulum


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With the arrival of the Breakers of Meta Shadows sneak peek, I've updated this little deck of mine, though I've been out of touch with what's really been topping so some of these choices in the Extra Deck will most likely look completely out of place.




[spoiler=Deck List]



x3  Rescue Hamster

x3 Samurai Cavalry of Reptier

x3 Steel Cavalry of Dinon

x3 Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin

x3 Lancephorhynchus

x3 Sky Dragoons of Draconia

x1 Foucault's Cannon




x3 Summoner's Art

x3 Fossil Dig

x3 Wavering Eyes

x2 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Galaxy Cyclone

x3 Pendulum Back

x2 Grand Horn of Heaven

x2 Pendulum Reborn

x1 Torrential Tribute

x1 Solemn Warning


Extra Deck:


x2 Number F0: Utopic Future
x3 Evolzar Laggia

x1 Evolzar Dolkka

x1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

x1 Abyss Dweller

x1 Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk

x1 Wind-up Arsenal Zenmaioh

x1 Raidraptor - Blaze Falcon

x2 Number 29: Utopia Beyond

x1 Number 21: Frozen Lady Justice

x1 Photon Strike Bouncer





Sooo how big is the game in floodgates and what should I be looking for to have measures against?
Suggestions/Corrections/Thoughts/Opinions in the deck welcomed and encouraged~

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0/10 no Lose 1 Turn or Tyrant's Throes.


Tyrant's Throes sounds non-optimal. The deck needs to invest in that play because it doesn't naturally fill the field with vanillas too early into the game.

It can work mid to late game, but it'd be dead early on since the normal vanillas you get into your hand tend to be prioritized as the upper half of your scale settings.

Besides, the card seems like it'd just lock over half my deck's monsters up. This isn't exactly a vanilla pendulum deck that'd benefit from cards like Tyrant's Throes and Heart of the Underdog....... I think it'd demand more than just a few changes.


But of course, that's all "in theory" and I'm open to suggestions so, what would your build be like?



Lose 1 Turn!



Thinking about it, that sounds better than I thought. What should I neg for it? =0


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Personally, not too sure on Rescue Hamster and Steel Cavaldry of Dinon:

-Rescue Hamster because not only I have yet to see it in play, but also I rarely see it in outstanding Pendulum decks such as Majespecters, Pendulum Magicians and of course M&Ms and their variants, and I suppose it should be for a reason. Also, from reading it I see that it needs a bit of setup, which I suspect may make the card cloggy sometimes.

- Steel Cavaldry of Dinon simply feels subpar. The effect is just a drawback and... I can't tell if its scale of 5 is good o bad for your Deck since it can enable the Pendulum Summon of either Level 4 or Level 6+ monsters. I understand that as a Level 4 Dinosaur-Type it is valuable for Fossil Dig and Evolzar Xyz Summons, but I feel this perk is not worth running the card.


In addition, I see an odd split between Effect Pendulum Monsters and Normal Pendulum Monsters, which on paper don't seem to mix too well, mostly because Normal Pendulums only grant their boons to other Normal Pendulums. Actually, I feel Sky Dragoons is out of place here, since it shares its scale with Lancephorhynchus while it is not as searchable, its Level 5 conflicts with Rescue Hamster's and Steel Cavaldry's scale, and its Pendulum Effect only works with said monster and copies of itself. If you are running it because it is searchable by Summoner's Art, I suspect there may be other Normal Pendulums with a more convenient scale and Level for your deck, namely Dragon Horn Hunter.


Something I think you can try is Luster Pendulum, who I consider a good all-around card for Pendulum Decks in general. Also it can potentially grant you access to Ignister, which naturally would be a huge boon for the deck; however, the catch is that you need a considerable amount of Level 4 monsters in the Deck for the Synchro Summon to be consistent, which means Rescue Hamster and Steel Cavaldry, precisely the cards I initially said didn't look as good so... at this point I'm not sure which route you could take. For the sake of the deck's concept/theme (Dino Pendulums), I guess you could cut Sky Cavaldries and possibly Rescue Hamsters while keeping the Steel Cavaldries.

This problematic aside, I think you could even go as far as to main a couple of Vector Pendulums and Draco Face-Offs as an engine for the value it offers.


Other ideas I have in mind is 1 Archfiend Eccentric as a problem-solver tech plus its scale 3 should be handy for Pendulum Summoning most of your monsters, and maybe main Twin Twister over MSTs to deal better with opposing floodgates.



As for Lose 1 Turn, personally I'm not too keen on it since the deck seems to rely on Special Summons while, unlike former Qliphorts and Normal Pendulums, its raw (ATK) power feels lackluster (the strongest non-Extra Deck monster being Lancephorhynchus, with 2500 ATK and only 3 copies in the Deck) and instead relies on Extra Deck monsters, which may get in the way of Lose 1 Turn and vice-versa.

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I'm sorry, I'm sorry haha xP

 I think I have some explaining to do here. I usually do explain what I am going for in my threads. Let's see.... This is the mindset behind the deck:


The basic combo is that both Cavalry of Reptier and Lancephorhynchus are searchable via Fossil Dig and fill in for a low and high scales.


I didn't find many generic high scales (7+) that could serve more than one purpose so I went for Sky Dragoons. All the Igknights are pretty much vanillas for my deck (both in monster and pendulum effect). There's Eccentrick Archfiend, which as a Level 3 in a deck with commonly used low scales of 3, it can be inconvenient, and in a deck with no Tuners or other Level 3s it can't really be used for fodder for Synchros or Xyzs. It still wouldn't be a bad choice and admittedly the biggest reason is price xD I think other choices would just be more synergic anyways.


So Sky Dragoons, although its effect isn't always present, it is fairly accessible because Lancephorhynchus IS the best Main Deck ATK the deck has and is the most searchable card in the deck (9 cards can search it, Fossil Digs, Summoner's Arts, and Wavering Eyes).... Plus, the effect, being a general destruction, can be useful for backrow, for opponent scales, and the sort. It's just a nice bonus and really, couldn't find much more nowadays. It is consistently inside the scale ranges and it couldn't be replaced by Horn Hunter. Horn Hunter is a Scale 3, and high scales is what was lacking.... Horn Hunter could replace Foucault's Cannon as a low scale vanilla, but then again Foucault's Cannon is probably not as much of an issue.


I also thought Dinon was pretty bad, and as an overall card it still really is. The scale is terrible, the effect is 100% negative, and its stats are only alright in Defense Position. He's there just as a Rescue Hamster target and Laggia/Dolkka fodder. A common play the deck can make is Wavering Eyes your scales containing one of the Level 4 Dinosaur-Types, and then proceed to Rescue Hamster that Dinosaur's copies out of the deck. Both the blown scales and the Hamster will be available for Pendulum Summon as soon as you complete the scales again. The play doesn't really guarantee that you'll be able to get your scales together right then and there, but it does give you a quick laggia/dolkka/castell/ or a Rank 5 if you use Hamster on the Sky Dragoons instead. Rescue Hamster can also banish itself from the scales to recover 2 copies of a Pendulum monster in your Extra Deck, which doesn't always happen since plays often end up in Xyz play, but it being a Once Per Duel effect just for the off chance could come in handy, especially with the shortage of a certain scale.


Hamster was actually slow in the previous build but now with Wavering Eyes maxed out and the extra dinosaur, I'm surprisingly able to search it out on demand to a degree and it is more often live for its Rescue Rabbit-like plays.


I agree that Ignister looks pretty powerful. I need to include Luster Pendulum to bring it out, and at Scale 5, it'd be pretty much replacing Hamster, seeing as it fulfills the "speeding up" purpose. Although as said above, the scale is not all that great and even its use as Summon fodder is restrictive. I could test out the Fusion/Synchro/Xyz evolutions because it IS a very powerful engine, but only for online play because it is also a very expensive engine overall. xD


Lose 1 Turn is actually more usable than it looks from the first glance. You an bypass the effect by using Sky Dragoons and Lancephorhynchus to attack with, being sizable enough vanillas, and take it even one step ahead because Lancephorhynchus as a scale lets the ones in the Monster Zones pierce. You can also leave your Laggias/Dolkka/Photon Strike Bouncer be switched because they only really care about being reactive on the opponent's turn, and Majespecter Unicorn is also a reactive card that can be worked with during the opponent's turn. So the deck can make some of the plays well enough and disrupt the opponent in the process. There ARE some plays in this deck that are genuinely disrupted by Lose 1 Turn, but it is not as bad as I imagined once I started to look more deeply into it.


Soooo essentially the searchers intertwine. Fossil Dig searches all dinosaurs including a vanilla among them. Summoner's Art searches the vanillas including a Dinosaur among them, and all searchers need to be able to get low and high scales, and Pendulum Back is a "gimme 2 monsters" that functions for virtually anything in the deck.... 

Pendulum Reborn is actually a very cute card, being able to bring out Unicorn on the spot out of the blue or recycle a Level 4 dinosaur that I might be lacking for another Laggia... Though it is still the prime suspect to take out in favor of other suggestions.... We'll see how the suggestions play out.


Thanks for the comments, and I will test out the ideas.

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