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Lockdown deck Im gonna start making.

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I've had this idea for the longest time but I just never went through with it because I never had a lot of the cards. Now I have most of the cards and I am going to go through with this deck. Just lemme know what you think before I build it.



Night Assailant x1

Old Vindictive Magician x2

Exiled Force x2

Mirage Dragon x2

Horus Lv6 x2

Jinzo x2

Armed Dragon Lv5 x2

Armed Dragon Lv7 x2

Horus Lv8 x1

Armed Dragon Lv10 x1



Brain Control x1

Card Destruction x1

Fissure x1

Hand Destruction x3

Heavy Storm x1

Level Down!? x2

Level Modulation x3

Level Up x2

Monster Reborn x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Premature Burial x1

Reasoning x3



Magic Cylinder x1

Mirror Force x1

Torrential Tribute x1


BTW I have used this with temporary proxy cards agains my friend to try it out first and I get out the high level Armed and Horus out in the first 2 turns with Jinzo not far afterward.

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