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So in addition to normal Saturday and Sunday tournaments, my Locals store has Tier 2 Tuesdays tournaments, designed to help out lower tier/rogue decks have some more fun playing.  This way its not just Kozmo/Pepe/BA/whatever topping.  To that end they made up their own Forbidden/Limited list in addition to the current Nov. 9 list.  I'm not entirely sure how this list was decided on, but here it is:


In addition to the current TCG list:



Kozmo Dark Destroyer

Royal Magical Library

Majespectre Unicorn - Kirin

Performage Plushfire

Nekroz of Trishula

Satellerknight Triverr


Dimensional Fissure

Monster Gate




Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss

Lose 1 Turn

Macro Cosmos

Skill Drain

Vanity's Emptiness



Cir, Malenbranche of the Burning Abyss

Kozmo Forerunner

Star Seraph Sovereignty

Performapal Skullcrobat Joker

Wisdom-Eye Magician

Masked HERO Dark Law


Brillian Fusion

Instant Fusion


Majespectre Tempest

PSY-Frame Overload


Well that's it.  Just wanted to see what YCM though of this particular list.

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It looks terrible. Basically someone hit everything they've ever lost to...like why even hit Nekroz anymore...jeez


The OCG list creates more variety than this list does, and it only has a few shitty bans, not a dozen



designed to help out lower tier/rogue decks have some more fun playing.  This way its not just Kozmo/Pepe/BA/whatever topping.




I didn't understand the Tellarknight hit, but they ARE still meta, so to speak. HERO hit is negligible. Like wtf.

Unicorn hit was most likely for Magicians, once again. BUT WHERE IS APEX AVIAN???

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I didn't understand the Tellarknight hit, but they ARE still meta, so to speak.

Unicorn hit was most likely for Magicians, once again. BUT WHERE IS APEX AVIAN???

How? Tellars haven't topped in forever. Meta is the top 1-3 decks, it doesn't even include tier 1.5 decks. Idk what rock you're living under but tellars aren't even close to meta

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How? Tellars haven't topped in forever. Meta is the top 1-3 decks, it doesn't even include tier 1.5 decks. Idk what rock you're living under but tellars aren't even close to meta


This entire post is hilarious. He said he didnt understand the hit.

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Deckbots got top 4 in OCG twice in the last week. Are they meta too? Tellars lost a lot of consistency, and they have basically no way around Dank Destroyer except Triv 


Justify further shitting Nekroz? And has OCG thought you nothing? The problem is not plushfire, not hitting Luster and Wavering eyes to 1 shows how ignorant the person in charge of this list is

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Ive only seen them played TCG js, i dont know how OCG plays them.

It's largely the same, Machine Dupe, CDI, etc




Nothing Radically different. It's an interesting deck with potential, but it's not meta, and if people are decent players you can beat the current meta (pre BOSH) all this list says is that the players suck and need babying 

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The list is pretty terrible. Just what do they define to be Tier 2? I can understand the support but I see more being subractive than being additive. I'm especially disappointed at the illogical Nekroz, Infernoid, and Satellar hits. This list looks like it was inspired by salty matches instead of actual critical thinking about the impacts.

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I like the idea of this, it is at least a pretty interesting concept.

It seems similar to Smogon's tiers for Pokémon, except this time with Yugioh decks. Basically, it allows otherwise mediocre decks/cards to have a niche that they would lack in the standard metagame, thus giving players who want to be able to use those cards or decks in a competitive environment a chance.

For example, I absolutely love generic Psychic-Type, and I have a lot of fun playing it, but the deck simply doesn't stand up to.. well... better decks. This sort of tiering would allow me to play Psychics in a format where they are good.


I'm not going to comment on the banlist choices because I don't have any real knowledge of what should be there.

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I for one am fine with this list, and I wouldn't mind watching a tournament or 2 under this list, or perhaps go as as far as to give it a try. I do understand the controversy on the Tellar and Nekroz hits and I find them as an unnecessary or "overkill" move as well, but I can only think they took a "better safe than sorry" approach there, which is not exactly the worst thing to do in my opinion.


Actually, I feel they were too harsh on Kozmos: a ban on Dark Destroyer is understandable to me, but then they also Limited Forerunner, in addition to Reasoning that surely was banned to address both Kozmos and Infernoids. So... what can the deck do in that format with their 2 strongest beaters hit? Personally I wouldn't have put Forerunner on the list.


Also I found interesting the amount of floodgates they got rid of, but I cannot tell if that was a good move or not.



Is it really that impossible for a Rogue deck to be able to top in a format that is honestly not that hard to anti against right now? x:

Regardless, the list is pretty shitty at hitting "tier" decks. A lot of these hits are pretty stupid tbh


A bit off-topic but I'm curious on which cards you would personally hit to address the top tier decks.

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