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That King of the Hill RP-ish game


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I hire new lawyers. My deed hasn't been affected. My hill.

Ok so pennar has the north hill, i have east, cardgameking (CGK) has west and Kyng has the south/original hill.

And Kyng is being annoying by saying his hill is the only relevant hill when practically everyone else has been fighting over the other 3.


By using first-poster-in-thread power, I make all the other hills as relevant as the one Kyng has.

Then I start an alliance with the rest of the players, including pennar, CGK, and Kyng's lawyers because they are fed up with being a pain in the butt to the rest of the players all the time.


So the Alliance's new lawyers (who are not Kyng's lawyers anymore) bring Kyng to court and prove him guilty of trollish disrespect to other game players. Kyng gets jailed until released by another player besides himself.



North Hill: pennar's hill

West hill: cardgameking's hill. ----- East hill: My hill

South Hill: Also cardgameking's hill.

I'm pretty sure that jail term comes with bar from hiring lawyers. Makes sense considering what you were jailed for.

Anyway, knowing Pennar, he is yhr big threat. Anyone want to ally with me in combat versus him?

Still own West Hill.

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I look around perched on the North Hill and I sense people forming Villages on the North Hill, I believe it's time to win some favor from them...
I proceed to Teleport into one of the Villages just to see what goes on, but that village seems to have only humans, and being a Wolfman, I was met with relatively awkward Stares... until what seems to be the Village Chief walks up to me and asks me to go kill the Dragon that threatens their village... I nod before Teleporting off
I reappear above the dragon and slash off it's horns with 2 slashes, then slash harder and faster at the dragon, unable to do anything, it succumbs to my wounds, living, but Unconscious, all the strikes were suffused with Divine Energy so by the time it would wake up, it would become an Apostle under my control...
I reappear in the Village, carrying the 2 Dragon Horns, I win the Gratitude of the Village, whom promptly renames the village to my Honor... Pennarville
(Know that Pennarville is actually Northeast of the North Hill, it is NOT Kittyville)
Prophet's North Hill and Pennarville =P


Above post invalidated. My hill.

Rule 0: The GM is always Right


CGK's South Hill

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I have just modified pennar's rule and the result is Rule 8, which is now in the OP. Kyng's invalidation is invalidated.

I also remember Des's mountain and ask him where it is so I can validate it. Sorry about not posting about it sooner :/




North Hill: pennar's

West Hill: cardgameking's ---- East Hill: my hill ----------

-----------------------South Hill: cardgameking's -----Kittenville(town)


EDIT: If Kittenville is in the wrong place on the map let me know.

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Ok, so I think this game has come up a few times, let's do it again.

This is kinda an RP-styled game. Basically what you do is; make a post about claiming the hill from the above user.

However, there are still some rules.



1. All main YCM forum rules apply here.

2. No content that would get a restricted rating if used in media that gets a rating.

3. Dont make your posts too long like actual RP threads in the RP section sometimes do. You don't really need any more than 5 sentences, so try to keep your IC posts on here to that amount or less.

4. No blank posts either, or posts just saying "i take the hill". Try to be specific, please.

5. Promoting or making light of any serious event/situation in the world is banned, even if used as a joke. If you see any post doing so, please use the report feature immediately, as I will.

6. No breaking the state of the game. This means no posting stuff that, with the slight RP-ish style of the game, nobody could normally get around/past.

7. If the above rule is broken and the state of the game gets too chaotic, the GM or a legit YCM mod can reset the game in a post (or, as I sometimes type instead, "press the reset button.") This would return the game to it's original situation (that of the original post.)

8. I, cr47t, being the starter of the thread, is the GM (game master) of the thread. Being the GM, I get to judge rulings of the rules, invalidate posts if they get too hard, and use rule 7. (Only the Gm can do each of these. This is to try to keep some order in the game.)


Ok, so let's start.

I find the hill alone and decide to claim it as my own. My hill.

There you go Kyng.

Also you may not invalidate posts as not being the GM.



North Hill: pennar's

West Hill: cardgameking's ---- East Hill: my hill ----------

-----------------------South Hill: cardgameking's -----Kittenville(town)

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Having given up on trying to get my own hill, I head to the Northwest and dig a small, strategically irrelevant cave

My cave


Should the cave be confirmed:


Spaz's Cave---------------------------------------------Pennarville(town)

North Hill: pennar's

West Hill: cardgameking's ---- East Hill: my hill ----------

-----------------------South Hill: cardgameking's -----Kittenville(town)

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That Dragon I just beat the crap out of? It now turns into an Apostle, instead of a Girgashiy, it becomes a 6 winged black dragon-like Abomination adorned in Peridot Formations across all 4 of it Huge feet with a Crown of Peridot and a Halo made of gold on top of it's head, A Zebach... really nasty bugger... I teleport near the South Hill, Snapping my fingers, then Teleporting back as the Zebach Roars, This Roar can be heard everywhere, and in the process a Ring of Tombstones appears around the South Hill, then a Black fog quickly covers the circle from the center, although not suffocating, it bodes ill to whoever owns the hill...


While I'm back, I decide to ask Pennarville if they have anymore quests for me


The Prophet's North Hill and Pennarville

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(> LMAO A Noise Complaint? You're more worried about the roar than the more eerie stuff on your hill? XD <)


The fog within the circle starts to recede into the tombstones, until the fog no longer exists... then suddenly, as if the ring Guided some sort of Orbital Laser cannon, a Huge beam of Yellow light briefly engulfs the hill in a massive explosion, blowing up every hint of property in Kyng's Name, including all the tenants, then suddenly, a Suspiciously well placed Propaganda strikes the nearby towns, and the Island of Paradise, causing everyone to believe that Kyng Sent the many tenants he had to their deaths, Many Friends and Families Sue Kyng, and every lawyer jumped at the chance for many billions of dollars, and not even Kyng's Lawyers themselves couldn't resist the Temptation and Join in on the mass Suit


while everything was going on, I just laze on the North Hill, Laughing at the Demise of Kyng as he would likely struggle with that bullcrap


The Prophet's North Hill and Pennarville

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I disapprove what Pennar did with his dragon, and decide that it is being more of a violent renegade being used to cause fear and panic among it's enemies, and also decide that pennar, being the controller of the dragon when the havoc was wrecked, was doing the same thing. So I get on my KotH ingame blog and post this on it, and I also claim pennar ingame to be a tyrant trying to seize control and popularity, and not an actual prophet as he claims. My post goes viral even beyond the current territory of the RP.

This causes a lot of people to get mad, and eventually other countries decide something needs to be done about this. They begin planning on what to do to solve this, but differ on the plans. Some of the plans involve diplomacy, some others involve military action. However, they do not complete as of this turn/post.


I also declare the south hill an uninhabitable area for people to step foot in. Kyng and his guys evacuate to get to the hospitals to get better, tearing down all their estate materials in the process. Afterwards I get Kyng's lawyers to finance a plan to block off any entry to the south hill (although there is a one-way exit for if any people get stuck in there, it is only usable by people whom are alive and in a human state.)


Spaz's Cave---------------------------------------------Pennarville(town)

North Hill: pennar's

Des's mountain-- ------West Hill: cardgameking's ---- East Hill: my hill -----------------------------

-----------------------South Hill: uninhabitable -----Kittenville(town)

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I get better. The public, coming to their senses, then smart up and realize that the overpowered Pennar is blatantly abusing his abilities to frame my good self - I am compensated with the North Hill as my legal team ensures all damages and defamation to my person are undone - all out of Pennar's pocket, of course. To this end I work on a new housing estate on my hill for new tenants, with vigilance of Pennar's blatant terrorism on not.

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I go get a law degree, set up my law firm and begin advertising as the lawyer who will represent people who have problems with kyng. So other players can now bring the game to him, as it were. I also set up my own town (Card Game Town) next to my hill as well as a Duel Academy. LDS also have a branch here.

I also fortify my hill better, including a watchtower to keep an eye on Pennar. Finally, I begin constructing a tunnel. Where to, I shall no say...

My West Hill

(All other hill ownerships remain the same)

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Kyng forgot to realize two things... with his little attempt to gain any resources from me, First off, I am Chaotic, the practice of Law is for greedy dimwits whose driving force is money, am I going to give him my land and money that easily? and secondly, the North hill's weather is wrathful, your tenants and builders are already freezing to death, but I give the land to him anyway, let him learn the hard way...


as for the money, I teleport to the South hill and I start to get to work on clearing the damage, after all, that attack didn't flatten the hill, it flattened the houses, and it did not irradiate the land as people thought it would, besides, My resources is not currency either way, Who has time to count money anyway? within the course of hours, I've cleared all the debris to the hill without any additional Labor


for the defamation? Nothing I can do there, I don't know how that got started as I didn't order it to happen and I have a good and 100% confirmed Alibi to back it up, perhaps the panic caused by what the heck happened? who knows?


Pennarville's Inhabitants lack internet, but if they did have internet, the blog post would be hit with many complaints of trying to slander their Lord and Savior without any evidence


Fixing up South Hill + My Pennarville

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With the power of our bustling economists and minds the weather is easily overcome, becoming a piece of our culture whilst grooming hardy folk resistant to harsh weather. Elected as mayor of Northhillshire, I continue to develop it into a thriving town.

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I go to Northhilltown and set up an internet service there, then head back to the east hill. There I put up a new blog post furthering my reasons for my claims against pennar, as well as an update on how it is going, since the situation has gone viral and now news companies are competing to broadcast the activity there.

[spoiler=My blog post ingame, please read]

Hey guys, it's the GM here. I have two subjects to discuss this post.

First off, Mr. Kyng has moved to the North Hill after recovering from the hospital setting up a new estate there. This is because pennar has gone to the bother of cleaning up his mess on the south hill, which is currently uninhabitable. Not much else has happened yet. Second, I would like to explain my arguements against said pennar; he wrecked a bunch of havoc there and killing people without any connection to his claims that his followers believe, instead of spreading his claims there to get more followers. Yeah ik, kyng was being annoying but he didn't deserve that much. At least he's fixing up the south hill, that's probably the only decent thing he's done recently.

Thank you for reading, guys. -GM





-------------------------------------------------------Northhilltown(town, owner dispute)

North Hill: Kyng's

 Cardgametown(town w/ academy)------------West Hill: cgk's ---- East Hill: my hill ---------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------South Hill: Uninhabitable (being fixed up) -------------Kittenville(town)


(The -s are to center things up for the map)

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