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What are you known for?

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This topic is gonna ask a few things of you all.


1.) What is it that you believe the general populace of YCM know you for? It can be vague traits or specific events/topics/etc.

2.) What is it you believe people irl know you for? This includes more distant family, co-workers, people in general.

3.) What is it people you're closer to (such as friends and close family) know you for?

4.) What do you want to be known for?


Just a little experimental topic cause I'm curious as to what the responses will be.

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I used to be known for Volcanics.  I'd even run in to people on DN who recognized me as the Volcanics guy.  sheet was cash.  Now I'm mostly known on YCM as a dick.


IRL people know me as a twin primarily I'd say or maybe a genius (even though I'm not, just graduated high school at 14)


People close to me? Not really sure.


No idea on the last one.

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Oh right guess I'll do this too.


1.) Pokemon, Cow Puns, and being really emotional.

2.) Um....being reclusive, nerdy stuff

3.) Writing, character creation, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, loving cute things and being really emotional

4.) Mostly I just want to be known for writing good and entertaining things.

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1. Nothing important. Just a bird.


2. Being an jabroni when I'm not being quiet. I went to a bad high school, so while I was there, I was the person who actually tried in classes that were filled with people who didn't care. Once I got out of high school, less of those people were around so that's not a common one these days thankfully.


3. Being an jabroni even when I'm being quiet! :'D


I actually like this one a bit more, but most of my IRL friends have kinda had to move away, so I'm a bit more careful about how I present myself, cause I don't know how to current people perceive that kind of thing. Instead I'm just snarky to them cause I can be and they enjoy it.


4. I want to make a difference. I want to have a real impact of some kind. But I know that's not happening.

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I used to be known for Volcanics.  I'd even run in to people on DN who recognized me as the Volcanics guy.  s*** was cash.  Now I'm mostly known on YCM as a dick.


IRL people know me as a twin primarily I'd say or maybe a genius (even though I'm not, just graduated high school at 14)


People close to me? Not really sure.


No idea on the last one.


rofl i remember making you a tag of volcanics back in the day.

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1.) What is it that you believe the general populace of YCM know you for? It can be vague traits or specific events/topics/etc.


A) AGM, my dragon schtick, RPing, and my fact-dropping and theorycrafting, primarily, although I hope that's not all I boil down to on here. Oh, yeah, and I abuse hyphens. I'm pretty sure I got messaged about that once.


2.) What is it you believe people irl know you for? This includes more distant family, co-workers, people in general. / 3.) What is it people you're closer to (such as friends and close family) know you for?


Generally speaking, I'm seen as a semi-neutral intellectual figure: most people I know have come to me for advice at least once, and yet many still tell me to my face that I'm a jerk whose only redeeming quality is his intelligence (to which I reply that at least I have redeeming qualties . . .). In addition, I get hit on with absurd frequency, and still do not know why.

To my family, I'm seen as a general font of sarcasm, and they think I'm rather lazy. I disagree, but they refuse to hear my arguments. *shrug*

To the small group of people I am amicable enough with to call anything close to "friends", I'm the short, cynical guy who they refer to as being too cold and impersonal- I tell them to bite me.


4.) What do you want to be known for?


Personally, I love a good story, and I want that to be the foremost thing anyone associates me with. In addition, I like thinking of myself as everyone's "neutral party"- someone who doesn't really care enough about random bull to really take a side, instead looking at things from logic and personal experience. In the end, though, I don't care one way or the other what a person thinks, so long as I'm content.

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1.) What is it that you believe the general populace of YCM know you for? It can be vague traits or specific events/topics/etc.

Making RPs. Doing dumb sheet.


2.) What is it you believe people irl know you for? This includes more distant family, co-workers, people in general.

Quiet guy.


3.) What is it people you're closer to (such as friends and close family) know you for?

Unemotional, apathetic, antisocial, sometimes funny, smart, extremely lazy. 


4.) What do you want to be known for?

Being amazing.

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1. Nothing really, tends to happen when your activity on a forum is 2 several month long bursts 3 years apart.

2. Supposedly intelligent, that's gone now really but back when I was 10/11/12, let me tell you, I was slightly above average if ever someone was.

3. Sarcasm, unhelpfulness, being tall.

4. Being incredibly wealthy to the point that I can buy and sell continents on a whim.

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1.) What is it that you believe the general populace of YCM know you for? It can be vague traits or specific events/topics/etc.

2.) What is it you believe people irl know you for? This includes more distant family, co-workers, people in general.

3.) What is it people you're closer to (such as friends and close family) know you for?

4.) What do you want to be known for?


1.) "Post and" threads in Miscellaneous, as well as a couple of other Miscellaneous threads nad posting such threads, making cards that are either underpowered or overpowered (rarely do I ever achieve any midground), and participating in a few threads here and there, except any discussion that's not TCG/OCG and RPs (I suck at these and don't have enough time to invest or improve upon).

2.) Not a whole lot; average student in high school (and any school prior; the last time I ever excelled significantly in all my classes was 4th Grade), average or good in college, making money, playing video games, drawing.

3.) Being pretty obedient, caring, tight with money on occasions, and prefer to do things by myself.

4.) Drawing (granted, on a larger scale, but I need to put in more effort to achieve that).


I'm no fun.

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1.) Fableds, D/D/D, Performapals, being a loud mouth, being in a relationship that's now over, being an ex-mod. Undertale, probably.

2.) i dunno

3.) Being a romantic, being squishy as funk, gushing over whatever form of fiction I fall in love with (IE Undertale, shame about the fandom), being terrified of loss, being incredibly submissive to others. Family sees me as more on edge, but that's due to the only times they speak to me being when they need me to do something, and I actually hate my full first name now, because of it.

4.) I dunno. My story, when it gets fully published/released, I guess. Possibly roles in voice acting, if I manage to go that route. 

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