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Boku Dake ga Inai Machi/ERASED


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[spoiler=spoiler]that ending... god funking damn it, I gotta wait a week for this sheet?!


Anyway, if there's anyone to be pissed off at at this point, it's the officer that was stationed outside Kayo's place. The funk was he doing while all this sheet was happening literally right outside his vehicle? Screw the protagonist, who cares if the story's about him? Background characters have their significance too, they just gotta funking BE SIGNIFICANT. I'm giving strikes against the writer for giving the cops a bad rep, cause despite how bad they've been made out to be, there's no excuse for letting child abuse/abductions go. There just isn't.


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[spoiler=god funking dammit]Saw that cliffhanger coming from a mile away. If anything, she could've barricaded the door or something. Not only that, but Satoru SPECIFICALLY said he'd knock three times and wait for her to answer. Jesus, Kayo, was part of your brain stolen along with your heart? YOU'RE IN A GODDAMN ABANDONED SCHOOL BUS. YOU'RE NOT SAFE.


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  On 2/19/2016 at 1:41 AM, Thar said:

[spoiler=god funking dammit]Saw that cliffhanger coming from a mile away. If anything, she could've barricaded the door or something. Not only that, but Satoru SPECIFICALLY said he'd knock three times and wait for her to answer. Jesus, Kayo, was part of your brain stolen along with your heart? YOU'RE IN A GODDAMN ABANDONED SCHOOL BUS. YOU'RE NOT SAFE.



[spoiler=this also] "I know for a fact someone is going to try to murder her, so I need somewhere safe. Ah yes, a secluded abandoned bus with no security far enough away from the nearest residence that no screams will be heard, this is a fine location ideal for my purposes".


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  On 2/19/2016 at 1:59 AM, Enguin said:

[spoiler=this also] "I know for a fact someone is going to try to murder her, so I need somewhere safe. Ah yes, a secluded abandoned bus with no security far enough away from the nearest residence that no screams will be heard, this is a fine location ideal for my purposes".



My thoughts exactly. You'd think he'd be smarter having the brain of a guy in his late 20s, but nope.

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  On 2/19/2016 at 2:01 AM, Thar said:

My thoughts exactly. You'd think he'd be smarter having the brain of a guy in his late 20s, but nope.


And it's his second (third?) fucking go at it, and he appears to know or at least believe this is his last chance. What are you actually playing at.

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[spoiler=ok]You can basically just end the show now. I don't give a shit really about the other random children who may or may not still be killed because he can't be warping back for every single person. They've got the mother now, Kayo is safe, everything's fine. Don't you fucking dare go ruining this.


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[spoiler=A bit late to this episode.]Things are looking up so far, but we've got a few episodes left to go. I can't wait to see how this ends; definitely a top anime, not only of this season, but in general.


I almost lost it when Kayo started crying over waking up to a warm breakfast, I'm a sympathetic crier. Also, the fact she flinched when Satoru's mom just wanted to pat her on the head. TT^TT


Teacher's still sketch as funk, though.



  On 2/26/2016 at 5:13 AM, Enguin said:

[spoiler=ok]You can basically just end the show now. I don't give a sheet really about the other random children who may or may not still be killed because he can't be warping back for every single person. They've got the mother now, Kayo is safe, everything's fine. Don't you funking dare go ruining this.


The manga is ending next month and the anime is going to follow the manga, so I assume we're getting a proper ending these next few episodes.

  On 2/28/2016 at 7:30 AM, Thar said:

I'm dropping this, cause I'm just too frustrated with everyone in it. Common sense is rare to come across in these types of shows.

I tend to not let lack of common sense break my willing suspension of disbelief (in addition, in this case I'm not entirely sure what parts should be frustrating aside from maybe the bus thing). A large portion of fiction would lack conflict if common sense were adhered to.

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  On 2/29/2016 at 2:18 AM, Enguin said:

[spoiler=cri]I hadn't thought anything bad about the teacher until ye started saying this and I feel like I've overlooked something.


[spoiler=WHO WAS PHONE?????!!!!]Well if we're talking about any concrete evidence or suspicious action he's taken then I think there's none so far. It's just that the camera tends to linger on him longer than it has to. There's stuff like him calling someone after Satoru's mom in the latest episode and the scene ends before we get an idea of who he's calling. For all we know it's just child protection services but we don't actually know that. Or way earlier on when it shows him talking to that smart friend of Satoru's and we don't hear what they're talking about. It turns out the friend was just asking for both Satoru's and Kayo's since in a later scene he said that's how he found out, but it sure as hell looked suspicious back then.


There's also the fact that he's the only other adult male in the past timeline so far other than Yuki-san(HES NOT THE KILLER I WONT BELIEVE IT) and Kayo's dad(who seems a tad bit unlikely to be behind anything other than beating Kayo to death).


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[spoiler=]Yeah, there's nothing concrete, just the way he's been shown off has rubbed me the wrong way from the get go (iirc, in one of the early episodes after Satoru had a conversation with him, the camera hung on him before changing scenes and he had an ominous smile on his face, and stuff like that is always suspicious). Maybe we're just being given the runaround and he's suspicious on purpose to throw us off the trail, which I think is equally likely, but I dunno yet.


Mitcher summed it up pretty well, but another example was just in this past episode. How did he know Kayo was safe during that one phone conversation? Maybe he just correctly assumed Satoru had her hidden away safely, or maybe he was the guy who came in the bus at the beginning of the episode and knew she was there but didn't do anything about it. Who knows?


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[spoiler=instant cement]

There's some manners that bring more suspicion to the teacher than I would normally place on other characters: It's the fact of how intelligent the teacher is, and the fact that he knows the kids very well (and this is key). So far, the killer has shown a great deal of intelligence and planning in his attacks (even to the point that I suspect he knows about the Revival mechanic), and this fits the bill in what we've seen of the teacher so far. His appearance (so far) fits the killer's reasonably well; but the bigger kicker is how well he knows that kids; in such a way that he would know a certain friend is actually a guy and not a girl.


Right now, my suspicion towards the teacher is that he fits the bill pretty well in being someone that could have done it. So far as I can tell; it's either the teacher, or a character that hasn't been revealed yet.



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[spoiler=spoon]Fuck off m8, these cliffhangers are getting annoying. As far as I recall the girl at the end was the little cunt trying to set Kayo up with the money a while back, or else it's a totally new character. Either way why is the suddenly relevant. Teacher has done himself no favours with popping up right there to drive them, and also having the candy. Get the feeling he was following the girl and when but seeing Satoru made him change tactics. Or he was following Satoru. And his mother was definitely faking sleep.


BUT ASIDE FROM THAT, is this a happy ending for Kayo? Pls do be. I mean it's super-duper-hyper-anticlimactic if it is, but I'd rather this than she come back and get killed. My thoughts are jumbled a bit. Not as good an episode but egh.


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[spoiler=Regarding Kayo (actual spoilers for later)]I accidentally spoiled myself a bit when I went to the wiki to check her voice actor, but sometime in the future Kayo marries some guy who's not Satoru. I paniced and stopped reading after the part of the sentence that started talking about it so I don't know anything else, but I assume she's fine.



Yes, the girl at the end is the same girl from earlier. Also not sure why she's relevant. And yeah, teacher's still sketch as funk.


In other news, we're getting a manga spin-off that contains a number of side stories not told in the main manga, and a novel spin-off that tells more of the after story and explains the motive of the killer: http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2016/03/04-1/boku-dake-ga-inai-machi-manga-spin-off-seies-to-start-in-june

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