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Raidraptor - Call vs. Swallow's Nest Which one is better?

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Raidraptor - Call




Target 1 "Raidraptormonster you controlSpecial Summon from yourhand or Deck, in Defense Position, 1 monster with the same name as that monster on the field. You can only activate 1 "Raidraptor - Call" perturn. You cannot Special Summon monsters the turn you activate this card, except "Raidraptor" monsters.



Swallow's Nest




Tribute 1 face-up Winged Beast-Type monster you control to Special Summon 1 Winged Beast-Type monster from the Deck with the sameLevel as the Tributed monster.



Call helps set up plays, but is more restrictive, but is also searchable


Swallow's Nest extends your plays, but is quickplay, but it allows you to pull anything from your deck instead of what is in your hand/field. However, unlike Call, it is not searchable.


So ultimately, which one is better suited for the deck? Searchability or Toolbox? Or is it best to run both or neither?

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Swallow's Nest.


Call is honestly bad, as you'e going to be using your "Only RR" turns early on, for Fuzzy plusses. The only time it's good is using tribute to dump Mimicry on T1, so that you cvan get Vanishing for combos... and that's only if you already have any 2 of fuzzy/nest/Pain on hand, so that you can fully combo out. So it's a 1-of at most, and only good in certain hands.


Swallow's Nest lets you dodge negation, allwos you to output more damage (a real issue for the deck, as it needs to setup or spend a summon on tribute/sharp to deal real damage), devote more, and doesn't lock you in to anything.

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I gave up on both of them.


Call restricts you too much, and you really don't want to be using 2 of the same Raptor to make Strix anyway. During the time I used it it was able to set up triple Strix turn 1 once or twice which is nice but the net gain off of doing that wasn't sufficient for the susceptibility to Raigeki and then having to scramble back via Emeral restocking you and such. 


That's not a flaw inherently within the card so much as my own overextension, but the reason I did it is because when I used Call I felt I wasn't getting anything really out of it unless I was able to make more than one Strix. It was largely just something I had that in cases where I needed to make Rise/Revolution Falcon (bringing out double Mimicry from the deck and making Rev Falcon to OTK was the most marvelous purpose Call ever served me) or something for whatever reason I could use it but it was mostly dead. The obvious advantage it holds over Nest in that it's searchable doesn't alleviate the larger restrictions it places on you.


Nest was the one I used for a much longer time, and I've been thinking of bringing it back in but now with Pain Lainius I'm not sure it's necessary. It is, regardless, infinitely better. Turns anything into Vanishing, which was huge pre-Fuzzy, and also simpler things like it can enable OTKs, dodge BTH and BTS and the like and also the play I most commonly used it for back when there was just the 4 maindeck Raptors - attack with anything, Nest into Sharp, attack with Sharp, revive the first thing, Strix. Such a play isn't nearly as useful now as it was then but it's still something.


Nest allows you to do a far greater variety of things, and it also had some nice work with Harpie Harpist back in the day of a few months ago. So Nest in conclusion, I don't use either currently but Nest by far.

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Swallow's is much better for the reason that Black said above. I ran it at 2 up til pain lanius came out on percy yesterday. I took it out and just added Pain Lanius in.


Call does have a bit of a niche in that if you really want to you can easily make revolution falcon without needing to rank up (though it does lose that free pop if you summon it like that). Call makes Rise a lot easier to summon as well (although it kinda lost that niche since Pain lanius is easy Rise or any WB monster)

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But why does this run 2 when it can really only summon 1. And why is it using 3 Last Strix. And 1 Nest. And siding an MST in place of a 3rd Twin Twister.

1) I mean there is a lv 6, but not entirely sure

2) Consistency for Ultimate

3) A lot of non-BA OCG decks do this. TT is surprisingly a pretty big drain on your hand, and MST tends to be better vs most decks

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1) I mean there is a lv 6, but not entirely sure

2) Consistency for Ultimate

3) A lot of non-BA OCG decks do this. TT is surprisingly a pretty big drain on your hand, and MST tends to be better vs most decks


Revolution Falcon is an OTKing card more than anything else, probability you'll want to RUM it into Satellite is low.

The thing with that consistency idea is you can't search Last with Force Strix, only Nest and Mimicry, so running 3 Last 1 Nest is a terrible idea really.


I just don't get what that deck is meant to do. It doesn't have Zerofyne either. Running double Veiler when there's 4 Solemns in there as well is odd. Soul Shave is like the best card RR have and only running 1 makes no sense.

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Revolution Falcon is an OTKing card more than anything else, probability you'll want to RUM it into Satellite is low.

The thing with that consistency idea is you can't search Last with Force Strix, only Nest and Mimicry, so running 3 Last 1 Nest is a terrible idea really.


I just don't get what that deck is meant to do. It doesn't have Zerofyne either. Running double Veiler when there's 4 Solemns in there as well is odd. Soul Shave is like the best card RR have and only running 1 makes no sense.

CDI is fairly easy to out in OCG. The correct applications of CL's vs BA can put it down. Pedra can use multiple effects you have to negate. You don't wanna eat up half your LP that easily

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