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So, how do YOU feel about Amorphages (and by relation, the Ritual) now that SHVI is fully leaked.

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I looked at a video of them in action and while I still hate the concept behind them, they don't seem to be overly broken or anything.

You can't pendulum summon any of the ones above level 4 and you pretty much have to wait til you get a card to make your bigger plays (like the searcher). I wanna say I shouldn't have judged this archetype too fast but I don't know.


I'm kinda thinking of running an extra Dark Hole for decks that can't run over the walls that have like 2k def.



So what are your thoughts on this?

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Out of all the "you can't play" decks, I like these mones the most. Yosenju are basically just an OTK in a controlling disguise, counter fairy and PSYFrame are too reactionary, but these are preventative, and they can also get out a full board wipe that is NTND. Overall I really like this, but am overall saddened that so many can't be p summoned from extra. 

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Their artwork is top notch and their lswarm-y flavor really appeals to me, so I actually really like them based on these factors. Playstyle wise, I think they have a good thing going in having the potential to shutdown a lot of cancerous decks that like to spam up the ass.


8/8 cannot w8 to play m8

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I absolutely love the artwork and story behind them, kind of similar to lswarm, but much more interesting than "oh no everything's got a virus that turns them evil". Turning into Dragons is so much cooler than just becoming evil.


Playstyle-wise, they seem interesting. Maybe the kind of deck I would enjoy playing myself? Currently I play PSY-Frame IRL, and although I enjoy their slow playstyle and ability to stop my opponent in their tracks, they are easy to predict and bait out if you have the right cards, which can lead to my opponent playing mindgames with me as they proceed to chain MST to Circuit's effect or leave me second-guessing as to which things I should negate and which are just there as bait. Amorphages are still quite a slow deck which I enjoy, however have a much less reactive playstyle, and instead are about having the right floodgates up at the right time. I'm not all too fond of floodgate decks, and prefer a more reactionary one, however I think the Amorpahges are worth a try for me.

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Psyframe Amorphages?


How much do Amorphages rely on their Field Spell? I guess it could work, although PSY-Frame 100% need their Field Spell to play normally. It seems pretty cool as you can Pendulum Summon 2 monsters to attack with, then Tribute them for the Amorphages in the Pendulum Zone.


EDIT: I thought the Amorphages tributed in your End Phase. I doubt it would work now I know that it is in your standby.

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