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Toning down Pendulums

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Okay, someone asked this, and I want your guys' opinions.


"What if we make the Extra Deck 20 cards instead of 15, but Pendulum monsters that are in your Extra deck count? If you have 20 cards in your Extra Deck and a Pendulum monster is destroyed, it is sent to the graveyard,"


We know this would never happen, but does this sound like a good idea?

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Both are kinda bad ideas, in my opinion. A 20-card extra-deck gives too much room for non-pendulum decks for toolboxes and options to run, while having pendulums count for the 15 card extra-deck really, really hurts pendulum decks too much; almost to the point where it might actually push them out of relevancy completely, which I don't think is very smart.


I think a better option would've been to keep the 15-card cap; but have put a cap on how many pendulums go in the extra deck, and if that cap is reached the rest just get sent to the graveyard. 5 seems like a reasonable number to me, but that's just saying it off the top of my head.

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I mean pendulum is a unhealthy mechanic on it's own....people blast Spellbook of judgement for creating +5's...guess what a pendulum summon does, you don't need to resolve something like pendulum sorcerer or scout too many times to win. Qlis didn't need a full extra, if you wanna play a pendulum deck, play a pendulum deck, don't play a XYZ/synchro deck wearing a pendulum fat suit

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I disagree, actually (shocker). Pendulum as a mechanic is not inherently bad, and the problems that have arisen have been to do with the pendulum decks that are able to abuse the mechanic or the cards themselves.


PePe, right now considered the main criminal of the mechanic, aren't a testament to why pendulum summoning is bad but rather why poorly designing archetypes is bad. Take away pendulum summoning as a thing and PePe is still a ridiculously consistent deck. The problem isn't pendulum shokun; the problem is consistency and the ability to plus.


Qliphorts are difficult to cite as "Why pendulums are a bad idea" because the deck was never able to breach "Top Dog" position. Actually, if anything, citing any deck or any card as an argument for why a summon mechanic is bad for the game is not a very good move to make. By that logic, Rituals are utterly busted and holy crap they've ruined Yugioh.


Consider for a moment what setting the scales means: it's basically a -2 for a mechanic that requires quite a bit of setup. Your talk of "Pendulums are bad because +5" as a comparison to Spellbook of Judgment is really bad, because not every pendulum deck can do that. In fact, only really three can do that: Pepe, Igknights, and Majespecters in the late game. For practically everyone else, getting to that level where it's legitimate +5 without placing your field in a position where you've overextended takes a quite a bit of effort. What's Spellbook of Judgment again? Oh right, toss it out and then play the deck normally for an instant refund and a summon in a single turn with no prior setup. It's a very poor comparison based entirely on "Because +5".


So yeah, Pendulum Shokun hasn't ruined the game. As per usual it has to do with how Konami has gone about it and how they've designed the cards. Actually, talking it over with some others has pretty much convinced me that any kind of limit on the ED for pendulums isn't necessary; that thought just comes to mind because of PePe alone pretty much, and that wasn't even a good idea from the start. Making a deck of commons and rares tier 0; what lunacy was going through their head...

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The tl;dr is Wavering Eyes and similar such cards.


Changing rules to punish Pendulums is just dumb, and reeks of poor design.


Wavering Eyes makes the mechanic gain way too much. It's a -2, in theory, to use it on yourself, but it's actually just a +0 RotA for any Pendulum, with the potential to go for a +4 (Destroy 2 opp scales, banish 1, add another copy. This is relevant against decks like Amorphage, where not all monsters can be PSd).


Luster Pendulum is another big example of this, as he enables far too much. His effect is a cheap and easy +1, and when paired with cards like Wavering Eyes or Pendulum Sorcerer, he does way too much.


Pendulum Sorcerer isn't so much a problem with the mechanic as what the mechanic led into. He's an easily banworthy card, but he's not the core issue, here.


Draco Face-Off is probably another problem with the mechanic. Unless Luster is banned, it's extra copies of Luster that +1 E-Tele/RotAs a set of 4 decent or better cards. Even with Limited Luster, it's 4 copies of Luster. It does too much.


The problem is that self-destruction is too highly valued in the mechanic, as a means to gain more advantage, and generic cards like Draco Face-Off do too much. 


Wavering Eyes is the main offender, but there are others... Wavering in particular is cancerous beyond words, though.

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The idea of cards floating infinitely for a 2 card investment, NOT a -2, reeks of terrible design though black. Let's look at wavering eyes, under the ideal scenario where you can destroy two card, that's putting two card into the extra. Now if we made it so you could only have 5 additional pendulums in the extra, resolving wizard, luster and eyes, means you're already at your quota. Wavering eye's 3-4 effects aren't broken in that they allow you to punish them for leaving scales out. Ideally Eyes would be a normal spell card, but outside of that it's nothing all too broken. 


VCR I'll get to you when I'm not in a pinch for time

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The idea of cards floating infinitely for a 2 card investment, NOT a -2, reeks of terrible design though black. Let's look at wavering eyes, under the ideal scenario where you can destroy two card, that's putting two card into the extra. Now if we made it so you could only have 5 additional pendulums in the extra, resolving wizard, luster and eyes, means you're already at your quota. Wavering eye's 3-4 effects aren't broken in that they allow you to punish them for leaving scales out. Ideally Eyes would be a normal spell card, but outside of that it's nothing all too broken. 


VCR I'll get to you when I'm not in a pinch for time

Uh, Wavering Eyes is the biggest problem. I'm not saying Pendulum is a fair mechanic by any stretch, but the card and design vein that really break it are things like Wavering Eyes.


You need to stop trying to errata and change rules and sheet. They are such poor ideas, and they are the laziest ways to fix things. Hell, evne Qli wouldn't be good at full power (barring Skill Drain), if Wavering Eyes was banned, at least not next to Pedra/Pepe, even without Wavering. And there are mroe problems, like Luster/Sorc, that exist there.


Eyes is the prime example of the mechanic losing control, as it rewards you for simply playing pendulums... by getting you the best cards in your deck.


Qli was signifigantly improved by Wavering Eyes, making it much more playable and able to compete with Nekroz/Shaddoll. And tht involved blowing up your ++++ engine, Scout, a lot of the time, which shows you how much it does. Almost every pendulum deck benefits from it, and it does too much. The 3/4 are icing on top, but don't diminish how stupidly good it already is, even as a Normal Spell.


On the bright side, Luster Pendulum is weaker in decks without Pendulum Sorcerer or Wavering, because he gets stuck on the scale and he has a limited number of searches. So as strong as it is (and clash still makes it unfair), he is only as strong as Sorcerer/Wavering allow him to be.


Wavering is the core of the generic issues with the mechanic, at present. Changing rules is just confusing and lazy.

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Isn't Wavering Eyes a quickplay and not a normal spell? Which makes it significantly worse, because it also punishes opposing pendulum decks as it does rewards its user.


Personally, I don't believe the mechanic itself is at fault. or even Wavering Eyes, or Sorcerer. I think the problem is, archetypes that are literally 90% or more pendulum monsters. It's a very dangerous game to play, and Qli was a good example of why "99% of the deck is pendulum monsters" is a bad idea. PePe suffers from this too, where all its relevant stuff are the pendulums, and things like Plushfire floating regardless of where it is on the field, on top of being a pendulum.


Personally, I think if Konami started just toning down the amount of pendulums an archetype gets, the mechanic would get abused much much less.

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They do in TCGland


..and PePe is dead in OCG anyway with the murder of the Performages.

Wait really? Decks like Zefra and DDD run eyes? I mean even when Pepe was at full power people were cutting down on Eyes. It just seems like an odd card to pin the problem on.


Qlis and Tower's turbo was a magnification effect that was largely in part to all of TCG's list decisions thus far and the lack of UTL.


If they deck was even a shade of how good TCG claimed it to be, it would have made an OCG Impact

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Wait really? Decks like Zefra and DDD run eyes? I mean even when Pepe was at full power people were cutting down on Eyes. It just seems like an odd card to pin the problem on.


Qlis and Tower's turbo was a magnification effect that was largely in part to all of TCG's list decisions thus far and the lack of UTL.


If they deck was even a shade of how good TCG claimed it to be, it would have made an OCG Impact

D/D/D isn't a pendulum deck wtf


Zefra plain isn't a deck.


And not neccesarily. OCG plays what it wants to, a lot of times. The deck was genuinely better. The fact that the OCG is fickle doesn't change what power cards are.

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D/D/D isn't a pendulum deck wtf


Zefra plain isn't a deck.


And not neccesarily. OCG plays what it wants to, a lot of times. The deck was genuinely better. The fact that the OCG is fickle doesn't change what power cards are.

D/D/D have enough pendulums to pull it off IMO. And Deskbots are definitely a pendulum deck and they don't run it. I'm willing to bet even amorphage wont run it. 


I mean we've disagreed on that claim quite a few times, and I really don't wanna irritate you again. So I'll just politely disagree. But do explain why OCG Qli's themselves never ran either killer or eyes when they could run gates.


It's literally PEPE and nothing else that "breaks" eyes, that being said, OCG funked up royally when they messed up the Juggler-Eyes balance, and I will agree with you that Eyes was more manageable with Juggler at 3

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I disagree, actually (shocker). Pendulum as a mechanic is not inherently bad, and the problems that have arisen have been to do with the pendulum decks that are able to abuse the mechanic or the cards themselves.

Pendulum as a mechanic is not inherently bad if you work it to be like Qli where the pendulum part does not nicely interact with XYZ's and Synchros. Right now, Pendulums has become a mass field vomit to act as fodder for blacks and whites. It's not even just Pepe. Even something like Magician Pendulum is a fairly annoying OTK fest, granted that's largely in part due to the Crobat-Wizard-Monkey engine. The first "healthy" (because that term is debatable) pendulum archetype that Konami has created since Qli's is Amorphage as long as the mass-shuffle card doesn't become too accessible. 



PePe, right now considered the main criminal of the mechanic, aren't a testament to why pendulum summoning is bad but rather why poorly designing archetypes is bad. Take away pendulum summoning as a thing and PePe is still a ridiculously consistent deck. The problem isn't pendulum shokun; the problem is consistency and the ability to plus.

It's not even PePe. OCG stripped a Pe off PePe and deck is still clearly the top deck of the format. Pendulum by nature almost give you a second normal summon every turn, and in a deck like Pal or Magicians where you can consistently protect and set up your scales, you ARE getting a second "normal" every turn. Pals, Mages, Magicians, they all need to be shot and the DEAU type decks that actually grind and focus on an end game need to be brought back




Qliphorts are difficult to cite as "Why pendulums are a bad idea" because the deck was never able to breach "Top Dog" position. Actually, if anything, citing any deck or any card as an argument for why a summon mechanic is bad for the game is not a very good move to make. By that logic, Rituals are utterly busted and holy crap they've ruined Yugioh.



Qli are a very healthy deck, they need to build up to their end game, it's not open monkey or crobat and have an endless supply of +'s at your disposal.



Consider for a moment what setting the scales means: it's basically a -2 for a mechanic that requires quite a bit of setup. Your talk of "Pendulums are bad because +5" as a comparison to Spellbook of Judgment is really bad, because not every pendulum deck can do that. In fact, only really three can do that: Pepe, Igknights, and Majespecters in the late game. For practically everyone else, getting to that level where it's legitimate +5 without placing your field in a position where you've overextended takes a quite a bit of effort. What's Spellbook of Judgment again? Oh right, toss it out and then play the deck normally for an instant refund and a summon in a single turn with no prior setup. It's a very poor comparison based entirely on "Because +5".


So yeah, Pendulum Shokun hasn't ruined the game. As per usual it has to do with how Konami has gone about it and how they've designed the cards. Actually, talking it over with some others has pretty much convinced me that any kind of limit on the ED for pendulums isn't necessary; that thought just comes to mind because of PePe alone pretty much, and that wasn't even a good idea from the start. Making a deck of commons and rares tier 0; what lunacy was going through their head...

Let's correct that to begin shall we. The Scales are not a -2 in any regard, especially 1) You haven't lost any advantage in playing the, 2) most of them now have scout like effects to + and mitigate any pseudo -'s created.
You need to add magicians to that list, but otherwise OK. Out of the 6 pendulum archetypes created, 4 can go +5...and this doesn't strike you as wrong? What is spellbook of judgment? It's really kinda annoying when people dumb that card down more than it needs to be. It's not vomit as many spells as you can and just "play" to get +'s. You actually have to manage what spells you use and how you use them. That being said, I'm not excusing SBJ. But something like pendulums has so many plays you can't really have a plan to stop them easily. Like lets take Majespecter, first of all, most of the common negation won't work on them. Second between the field spell, scales, and the normal, you should be able to set up enough to survive for next turn. That's little different than having Blue Boy negated, but still setting up Jowgen Fate (yes I understand that's a stronger lock than a live tempest)
Most pendulums decks themselves are instant refund. Oh Ghost Oger on Monkey? K. Crobat. Wizard. the show goes on. Ignites can be excused because they're basically just normal monsters. That's like whining about scapegoat being a +3
The problem is Konami has made Pendulums their main focus. The pendulum decks keep getting better and larger in number while other decks that actually have to invest are getting hammered more and more. Inb4 you pawn this off on OCG's terrible format. You realize neutered Magicans and Pals are still beating a beyond TCG full power BA right? That's not healthy.
And no black, I'm not being lazy, it's wavering eyes today, it'll be something else tomorrow. This mechanic needs to be partial put down before we keep having to add new cards to list cause a mechanic sheet's all over the concepts of advantage
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At this point, coming from you, this means very little. I've seen what you consider to be "healthy" for the game, and what cards you like to see back, and frankly it looks awful to play in. To you it may seem healthy, but to me and probably many others (considering the general opinions on Amorphages presented on YCM thusfar; it looks like quite a few) it looks insufferable to play in. Acknowledge what's actually your opinion and please don't present it to me like it's the objective truth of what's best for the game.




XYZ's and Synchros.


Until the recent PePe and Draco stuff, the interaction with these summoning mechanics and Pendulums was actually fairly balanced and respectable. Xyz, being the easiest mechanic and the most splashable, made the bigger impact on your game because the pendulums would go to the grave instead; it added a real strategic value on whether you wanted to go for the Xyz monster or maintain the pseudo-advantage the Extra Deck Pendulums provide. Synchros, being a little harder than Xyz to summon, would end up dumping the tuner in the grave and not guarantee a synchro on the next turn. For value, it was better than Xyz, but it did present the typical difficulties in Synchro plays involving needing specific monsters. Ironically Fusions, technically the hardest of the three to perform, presents the most value-friendly play, but generic-fusions have hardly been a thing in the game, so this wasn't a big concern.


With those base design points, the summoning mechanics actually blended with Pendulums quite nicely; It really wasn't until Pepe that these were actually broken with pendulums. Well, PePe and Dracoslayers. PePe's because they managed to gain enough advantage in a turn to afford to go into Xyz plays and still have plays on the next turn to perform, and then Luster Pendulum actually being a tuner, which meant maximum value on Synchro plays (doesn't help that Ignister is frickin' bonkers).



It's not even PePe. OCG stripped a Pe off PePe and deck is still clearly the top deck of the format. Pendulum by nature almost give you a second normal summon every turn, and in a deck like Pal or Magicians where you can consistently protect and set up your scales, you ARE getting a second "normal" every turn. Pals, Mages, Magicians, they all need to be shot and the DEAU type decks that actually grind and focus on an end game need to be brought back


This makes the problem sound less like the mechanic and more like the cards again and again. The primary reason I didn't put Magicians on the list (besides having a stupid good +0 searcher spell that also protects among other consistency additions) is mostly because its meta impact has been relatively small, and playing against it, besides the occasional annoying Apex/Vortex play, is actually fairly enjoyable. But, it must be noted, that any mechanic of the game can be made degenerate to the point where you would go off about; because the primary enabler of such mechanics is the cards that use them themselves. Am I defending PePe-esque decks when I defend pendulums? No. I'm defending the mechanic itself because it has a lot of fun applications and makes for a more interesting late-game.




Qli are a very healthy deck, they need to build up to their end game, it's not open monkey or crobat and have an endless supply of +'s at your disposal.


I can agree that Qli was healthy in the regard that they required set-up before the deck can get rolling. I just wouldn't be super ready and willing to use the deck as a role-model to work off due to quite a few design mishaps in how the deck works and just how plain linear/uninteresting the deck can be to play and play against. But, it is an example that there are better ways to go about Pendulum Summoning than 0-60 in one-turn-flat decks.




It's not even PePe. OCG stripped a Pe off PePe and deck is still clearly the top deck of the format. Pendulum by nature almost give you a second normal summon every turn, and in a deck like Pal or Magicians where you can consistently protect and set up your scales, you ARE getting a second "normal" every turn. Pals, Mages, Magicians, they all need to be shot and the DEAU type decks that actually grind and focus on an end game need to be brought back


A second "normal" isn't inherently broken, and second literal-normals have been frequently used (Constellars, lswarm, Fire Fists, etc.) and it's not game-breaking. As for the list of decks that need to be "shot"; I think Performages are fine since that's not even a pendulum-primary deck on its own and they've been shot enough by the banlist. Pals have too many searchers/effects-that-+, and Konami really should've been keeping those in reign. Magicians I'm still not sure actually need any banlist attention, and are a fairly fun deck to play with and against (again, outside Apex/Vortex fields).




Let's correct that to begin shall we. The Scales are not a -2 in any regard, especially 1) You haven't lost any advantage in playing the, 2) most of them now have scout like effects to + and mitigate any pseudo -'s created.

You need to add magicians to that list, but otherwise OK. Out of the 6 pendulum archetypes created, 4 can go +5...and this doesn't strike you as wrong? What is spellbook of judgment? It's really kinda annoying when people dumb that card down more than it needs to be. It's not vomit as many spells as you can and just "play" to get +'s. You actually have to manage what spells you use and how you use them. That being said, I'm not excusing SBJ. But something like pendulums has so many plays you can't really have a plan to stop them easily. Like lets take Majespecter, first of all, most of the common negation won't work on them. Second between the field spell, scales, and the normal, you should be able to set up enough to survive for next turn. That's little different than having Blue Boy negated, but still setting up Jowgen Fate (yes I understand that's a stronger lock than a live tempest)
Most pendulums decks themselves are instant refund. Oh Ghost Oger on Monkey? K. Crobat. Wizard. the show goes on. Ignites can be excused because they're basically just normal monsters. That's like whining about scapegoat being a +3
The problem is Konami has made Pendulums their main focus. The pendulum decks keep getting better and larger in number while other decks that actually have to invest are getting hammered more and more. Inb4 you pawn this off on OCG's terrible format. You realize neutered Magicans and Pals are still beating a beyond TCG full power BA right? That's not healthy.


Especially with decks like Majespecters where the scales lack effects of any kind, I do consider "setting the scales" a pseudo-minus-2 unless they have some kind of effect to mitigate that (which Konami has been making too many of). Also another correction; there are more than 6 pendulum archetypes. You've got the 4 elemental ones, then Dracoslayer stuff, Magicians, P-Pals, Vanillas, and Empowered. There's really 9, maybe 10 pendulum archetypes in the game currently; and I was considering pendulum-primary stuff, not stuff like D/D or Performages that can simply use pendulums.


And again, we're talking CAN go +5. Whether that +5 is in one turn is an entirely different matter, and outside of decks that can really power through scales fast, like PePe or Igknights (and you're right, those can be taken off the list because of their nature as vanillas, super easy to overextend, etc.) I've rarely seen one able to go +5 immediately off the bat without placing their deck in a bad position. Actually... in those cases it wasn't even a +5; it was more like throwing up 5 monsters on the field. Of course that's anecdotal, but to simply say "They can go +5" is still very silly when it's not something that can happen so often with just any deck, or even very quickly. In fact, the scales are a huge weakness for Pendulums because without those, many pendulum decks outright die where they are.


And comparing Pendulums to SBJ is still ridiculous. I'm not saying SBJ is "skilless" or doesn't require thought; I mean that it ends up being live and used to its fullest potential much faster and more consistently than the average pendulum archetype is able to do the same with little opportunity for disruption. Pretty much the only pendulum archetype I can say equates to that is Igknights, and even that isn't as good as SBJ, because they pretty much leave themselves with no hand every time that's done.


And, okay, let's think about that "instant refund", because that's not the case. For something like Insight Magician; yes, that's a refund. For something like Igknights; that's still placing the hand and field in jeopardy, even with a full 5-monster pendulum summon. Majespecters would be a refund because they search upon summon, but that deck lacks inherent searches or mitigation beyond their own searches for this be considered immediately broken (they don't have something like Wizard or Monkeyboard).


And just to point out, the problem keeps coming back to PePe. Every complaint I've seen can be traced back to the M&M deck and the dracoslayers. Magicians got mentioned a bit, but I think I can safely rephrase your complaints to "Pendulums are broken because PePe." Your primary complaints lie in the "mass plussing" and searching, which honestly is a problem with the cards, not the mechanic, and your arguments are only reinforcing that the more they're developed. Magicians sped up pendulums a bit, but they still weren't able to make as big of a meta impact overall. No, things didn't nuts until PePe stepped up to the plate.


And honestly, I can see why Konami is pushing pendulums, and it's not because of the format (I have no idea why you would assume I would jump to that immediately). Pendulums are the new cards, the new summoning mechanic. They're pushing Pendulums in terms of relevancy because they want to sell new cards, although it's beyond me why they were dumb enough to make the top deck comprised entirely of commons and rares. It's the same reason why the TCG neutered their former metagame: Nobody's going to buy new cards if the old decks are winning. There's also other reasons in keeping the metagame cycling for new cards, and a lot of that lies in that the old decks can become stale and people lose interest in playing or buying the game. Pushing new cards and new summoning mechanics is a part of the game and part of the kind of game we're playing. Pendulums are something I actually like in terms of new mechanics for making the game more fresh; because it's not just something like Synchro or Xyz that completely replaces the previous mechanics; it's bringing the others into play just as much and makes for a lot more variety in deck building and play.






The problem isn't that Konami is focusing on Pendulums or because the mechanic itself is broken; the problem is that Konami has been pretty dumb in what kinds of cards they've been making, and PePe was an utterly huge mistake on their part, for both the game and for their own sales (Again: Commons and Rares; they've been losing money because of them). Once PePe is reigned back in completely (probably by the next banlist) and MAYBE Magicians are reigned in a little bit (although it doesn't seem necessary to me; they're not THAT good) pendulums will be in a much better place for everyone.

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^ What this guy said.


Pendulum is an amazing summon method and a way to revive long lost forsaken and dead decks. Like any other inherent summoning method, it has both cons and pros. But let's not go back to 2008 when OH MY GOD SYNCHRO RUINED THE GAME, or the good old days in 2011 when OH MY GOD XYZ RUINED THE GAME.


Sounds familiar? Pendulum is no different. In fact, is an amazing and creative summoning method, as there are now Pendulum summoning engines like Performages/Peformapals, Empowered Warriors, Symphonic Warriors and Pendulum Magicians. Any deck can run them and make their decks consistent. I'm pretty sure most of us in this thread have seen Pendulum Buster Blader or the infamous Odd-Eyes Apex Magicians deck. 


Of course, Pendulum has fallen victim of the so called "Powercreep" because most decks that once used to be "meta" (and sadly fell into the abyss known as the F/L banlist) can't keep up with said Pendulum decks. 


Apoqliphort Towers, an EFFECT MONSTER, which took advantage of the Pendulum engine was a real pain in the ass to deal with back then. But the issue here is not "because +5", the issue here is that Pendulum made both Xyz and Synchro summoning faster. See, Pendulum is not the problem, and anyways it's not like your suggestion is going to reach into Konami's giving f***s zone.



Pendulum decks can still be beaten by your average "oldschoolshit". For more info see "Floodgate full helmet mode Monarchs" or Deskbots, D/D, etc.


A major problem with new summoning methods is that Konami makes absurdly broken archetypes (Majespecters, Performapals) that when standing alone can't do s***, but when mixed with other decks that share the same type of summoning method without any restriction (Pendulum Magician Majespecters/PePe, Odd-Eyes Apex Magicians), they can become quite devastating. 


Or did anyone forget about Wind-Ups, Infernities, Dragon Rulers...?

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It's also the fact that several Pendulums reward you for blowing them up, and since they can indefinitely renew, they keep rewarding you every single time they're exploded. Plushfire and Ariadne are the best examples of this, as they're prime reason why you get punished for even trying to inhibit your opponent's scales. That's some of the problem here, in that you're punished for what should be a strategic and rewarding play.

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