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[SHVI] Diceclops

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Even if you don't mind losing your entire hand, Final Destiny does a better justice than this card.

  1. Pretty sure that, even without needing PSCT, the discard is considered a cost and thus doesn't actually trigger effects much like Grapha + Trade In
  2. Final Destiny requires a full 5 card hand, which means you actually need 5 monsters(preferably) / other cards you are OK with discarding AND Final Destiny, where Diceclops allows for the majority of rolls to be a precise discard, a trap dustshoot, OR Final Wincon with no hand restriction.

However, after some initial testing in my probably shtty Dark World build, this thing isn't very consistent, but not for the reason I thought.  I neglected to remember that the Dark World engine is almost entirely founded on the concept of continually drawing and discarding, while also gaining effects to maintain a roughly +0 hand for as long as possible.  Since DW doesn't really need a normal summon most of the time, Diceclops suits the deck pretty well when you open with it.  However, it's one of the biggest engine killers I've ever seen in my life.  Like holy crap you draw this off of Dragged Down and your turn is just straight up over.


In Fableds it might have a tiny bit more merit since, while there is an extremely potent draw engine present, the entire turn needs practically no normal summon with a proper build, so even if you draw into Diceclops it is nearly never COMPLETELY dead, in theory.  Plus you can actually USE Diceclops for synchro plays in Fabled, while it's pretty much useless after its effect in Dark Worlds.  I need to do more testing, but at this point it's only really a cute tech in DW and nothing more.

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In Fableds it might have a tiny bit more merit since, while there is an extremely potent draw engine present, the entire turn needs practically no normal summon with a proper build, so even if you draw into Diceclops it is nearly never COMPLETELY dead, in theory.  Plus you can actually USE Diceclops for synchro plays in Fabled, while it's pretty much useless after its effect in Dark Worlds.  I need to do more testing, but at this point it's only really a cute tech in DW and nothing more.

... The funk are you on about?


Fabled, like every other super SS heavy deck, desperately needs its NS for value plays. TGU, Valerifawn, Kushano, and so on are all important Normal Summons. "Proper builds" need the NS in order to guarantee you get going, a lot of the time.


Furthermore, there are far fewer cards you actually want to discard in Fableds, much less risk losing your entire hand. 3 Cerburrel, 2-3 Ganashia, 1-2 Krus. That's 8 cards at most. I guess Kushano also counts, but not enough, same with Edge Imp Sabre (when we had more TGU). I'd rather discard those last 2 for Valkyrus, anyway.


Fableds are most certainly not about discarding OR using the discarding as a draw engine. It's about using it to empty your hand and use the SYNCHROS to draw cards. Y'know, Ragin, Hyper Librarian, Valkyrus, Soul Charge for extra value?


This has no use in Fableds, which says a lot for how super casual that deck is, and it should have been clear from the start that it sucks in Dark World, as it's neither a fiend nor is it better than Fabled Raven, who isn't eve good there.

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Can we stop jumping to the conclusion that just because a card has an effect that discards from your hand that it will be usable in either or both Fableds or Dark Worlds? Not only are both decks old af and their relevancy down the drain, but (as Diceclops shows) it's silly to assume that just because it sends a card from your hand to the grave means it's going to be good in either of those decks.

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... The funk are you on about?


I've been asking myself that exact same question all friggin day Black.

Honestly the only time I ever played Fableds was heavily reliant on Nozooche and Chawa as discard initiators, rather than utilizing things like Valerifawn or NSing Kushano, and while I did use TGU it's at 1 and I didn't even think to allocate space for Scarm and whatnot to ensure I could make big pushes.  But that's a story for another day.


So in a nutshell imbadplzdontsue.

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