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Lector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord

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Level 4 DARK Dragon-Type Pendulum Effect Monster
ATK 1950
Scale: 5
Pendulum Effect:
(1) The effects of face-up Pendulum Monsters your opponent controls are negated.
Monster Effect:
(1) At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles with a Pendulum Monster: destroy that monster and this card.



More stuff for the Draco Face-off engine.


EDIT on 15th September 2016: Card is badass

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I actually thought this card was just a carbon copy of Vector, but then I realized it negated Pendulum MONSTERS, not scales. Honestly, not that bad. All that we need now is space.


Nah I actually like how this card Shuts down pendulums.


It's cool, they got their extra tho.

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If this deck got a copy of that magician spell it would be kind of cool, but instead it would be like:

"Discard 1 card; set up Draco/amor in scales, those cards cannot be destroyed during your next standby phase" or something. Terrifying, but kinda cool and ATM I honestly don't think the deck would be consistent enough to actually do too much.

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It looks great: Another Dracoverlord target for Dracorivals/Draco Face-Off, Scale of 5 is fine, 1950 ATK is nice as well, and can work as an anti-Pendulum side deck card or meta call on its own, for those instances where Vector isn't enough.

At first I thought it had the same Pendulum effect as Vector for flavor purposes (as a parallel to Igknights and Amorhphages perhaps), but then I noticed this one stops Pendulum Monsters on the Monster Zones, so it actually complements Vector's effect.

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Just wanna say, it really is no surprise that the other part of the pair is called VECTOR Pendulum. I mean, like his namesake the moment he gets a costume change is the moment when he puts on his rape face. It's amazing what kind of personality shifts you get when someone opens their wings.

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This absolutely decimates Amorphage ironically, if i'm correct Lux can't stop the card's pendulum effect.


Defiinitely going to see play in Clash Performapal as its an engine out.

Uh, what?

This only stops the monster effect (basically stopping ED Summons).

Amoprphage still has all their other Spells/Traps they can use, as well as the Pendulum Effects, which lock just about every other type of thing out.

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Uh, what?

This only stops the monster effect (basically stopping ED Summons).

Amorphage still has all their other Spells/Traps they can use, as well as the Pendulum Effects, which lock just about every other type of thing out.


And so you use Vector to nullify their scales, leaving them with their other stuff focused on removing these and letting you go.

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