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Performopal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix

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Scale 3

Level 5

ATK 2000 DEF 1000


Pendulum Effect   If an opponent's monster declares a direct attackwhile you have a card in your other Pendulum Zone: You can destroy the card you have in your other Pendulum Zone, and if you do, Special Summon this card.


Monster Effect   During either player's turn: You can Tribute this card, then target 1 "Performapalmonster you control; it gains 1000 ATK until the end of this turn.            






Go at it, YCM    

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You know what?  I like this.  I dunno why.


It's just pretty solid niiche support.  Low scale means it's a bit stupid/risky to set it along with Monkeyboard, so at least that's nice.  I could see this being something you just plop in the scales after you pop them with Pendulum Wizard for extra protection.


It still allows for Plushfire and Ariadne shenanigans, but that's fine since the trigger is a bit inconsistent and a bit slow.


like I said, solid.

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I dunno. I think its scale is just fine in lieu of the versatility that comes with it being both a Performapal and an Odd-eyes.


Of course, its level coupled with its less-than-stellar effects but an easily searchable name makes it more ideal for adding a pendulum flair to an otherwise non-pendulum deck (really, I'm kinda just thinking of how to break Sky Iris' "destroy one of your own cards for a search" effect in a non-pendulum deck tbh)

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I dunno. I think its scale is just fine in lieu of the versatility that comes with it being both a Performapal and an Odd-eyes.


Of course, its level coupled with its less-than-stellar effects but an easily searchable name makes it more ideal for adding a pendulum flair to an otherwise non-pendulum deck (really, I'm kinda just thinking of how to break Sky Iris' "destroy one of your own cards for a search" effect in a non-pendulum deck tbh)

I mean, it's scale is mediocre.


Yes, 3 scale is "good enough" for Sky Iris, but the issue comes in when you realize Lizardraw and Archfiend Eccentrick are good cards. This means a 3 scale is slightly below good.



It's good support. It's also support for a deck that doesn't need this support.



it's not support for a deck that doesn't need it


It's support for Odd-Eyes, more than ppal, as it makes Sky Iris a better card. It supports a variant that truly does not hold a candle to Ariadnepal, Pepe, or Pedra. It's actually a great thing to print, in that regard.

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