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Drifting Spirit of Winter Blossoms

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Drifting Spirit of Winter Blossom

Level 3 DARK Zombie-Type Tuner Effect Monster


DEF 1800

The effect of “Fuyu Sakura” can only be used once per turn.

(1) During either player’s turn, if your opponent controls more monsters than you do: you can discard this card; reveal 1 card from your Extra Deck, then, check your opponent’s Extra Deck, and if there is a card(s) with the same name, banish all cards with that name in the opponent’s Extra Deck.



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Chain to Ptolemaeus, reveal Cydrafinity, watch opponent cry.


Pretty difficult to make Infinity with no Strix no Soul Shave.

It's a quick effect so when they summon their second monster, drop this and call ptolemaeus, then watch them cry as they lose ptol, both cydras, diamond, pleiades, and any other rank 5 they may have.

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Monarchs could literally just fill an Extra Deck with 15 commonly seen cards/cards in various Decks/etc, and then Main This card in 3s.


exactly.  Other than that aplication it would be AT BEST a side for any sort of mirror, though I suppose lower tiered decks could be cheeky and play the power play extra deck stuff that PePe runs (basically Majester and Ignister) if they have the space.  Cuz like, what, 85% of decks on the OCG competative scene are PePe now?  Something like that.

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I like this card. I find the artwork really nice, and its effect can be devastating against certain decks, such as the aforementioned BAs. I also like how on top of its hand trap effect and being a Tuner it also has a DEF of 1800, quite solid for a Level 3.


... It just clicked to me that this has many parallels with Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit: same stats, opposite attributes, both are hand traps, and their artworks are similar; even their names seem related by the mention of winter and snow. I Wouldn't be surprised if they had been drawn by the same artist.

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Amazing card. Great against mirror matches, especially in BA. Nowadays OCG is just sticking anything into BA, so it's considerable tech to have Dante "get rekt". Otherwise it can basically cockblock an out your opponent tries to do, and then you wail in their salt.


I love how this card is similar to Yuki Usagi/Ghost Ogre in style, but it's less versatile than her. Still very practical.

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