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Ultimate Providence (BOSH-EN WP)

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Counter Trap Card

When a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated: Discard the same type of card (Monster, Spell, or Trap); negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card.


This card is pretty darn cool, especially for Counter Fairy since it means you don't have to play specific negation cards as much anymore, which can be risky and situational, where this can work against everything, so it's likely you will always have something to discard to actually use it, and of course, Ariadne is pretty neat too.

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Ooh, not bad for a generic negation card. The picky discard cost makes it pretty fair for what it can do.


To clarify: Pendulum Monsters are still monsters while in the hand (or pretty much anywhere that isn't the Pendulum Zone), right?

You mean when you put them in the Pendulum Zone? In that case, they're Spell Cards as you activate them, so you would need to discard a Spell Card. In the hand, they're monsters only, so if they have an effect that activates in the hand, it's a monster effect.

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Ooh, not bad for a generic negation card. The picky discard cost makes it pretty fair for what it can do.


To clarify: Pendulum Monsters are still monsters while in the hand (or pretty much anywhere that isn't the Pendulum Zone), right?




Btw does this actually work with Ariandne?

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This is assuming Sorc resolves, which should be the primary priority to prevent right black?

that would be making sure sorc never even hits the field, because a 1-4-1 on sorc isn't good enough, the other advantage will kil lyou all the same



I'm more interested in the art itself than the card.  like what the actual hell is happening?

Tierra's orbs are attacking Gaiapelio and the ritual beast tamers (Pictured: Lara holding Pilica). Those orbs are the remains of Onuncu/Nehemot and Devyaty/Lilith.

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that would be making sure sorc never even hits the field, because a 1-4-1 on sorc isn't good enough, the other advantage will kil lyou all the same

Err,  I meant, Ariadne not being in scale form is entirely dependent on Sorc being summoned and resolving. Bar that this is essentially a free barrier. Seeing Sorc is what makes pepe got +4's at a time, wouldn't it be the opponent's priority to stop that from resolving, ei. Ariadne might be in scale form a fair bit

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I really like this card, the ability to negate any monster effect, any Spell Card and any Trap Card on a single card is really good. Although it's definitely not the best choice for some decks due to it being unable to discard any card for what you want to negate, I feel that its versatility makes up for it in a lot of cases.

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the card is interesting but the lore behind it's image, and what happens next are the things i'm most interested in. we haven't gotten DT based lore for a while, and i want to know it tierra ends the DT storyline like trish did.


on another note, if used in in spellbooks, this card can potentially shut down pendulum plays all day. (adriane does it better, but food for thought)

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