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yu-gi-oh gx end

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i know that it can be old news but ya it happend. yu-gi-oh gx ended in one of the wierd ways i have seen in all the anime saw in my life. its just stupid to make such an ending. so un normal to make such and ending so if your have any thing to say about the topic you are welcome to reply.

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Care to explain why you thought the ending was weird?


that's rather rhetorical' date='we all know why by now.


He could be reffering to the duel, the desert, the random talking to himself or the lack of endings for certain characters. So no, it's NOT rhetorical.

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How did GX actually finish? I got fed up of watching Jaden trying to be cool and stopped watching

Judai dueled Yugi and at the end Yugi summons Slifer. Judai says "Neos! Let's go!" and it finishes the duel with a picture of neos jumping towards Slifer and cuts to a desert because he has left duel academy. The question people are debating is whether Judai actually attacked Slifer or whether there was more to the duel.

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I'm fairly sure that Judai only said "Let's go, Neos!" for dramatic purposes; it was established about two sentences before that Judai's dream was to fight the gods, and it seems completely out of character for Judai to essentially surrender the duel with that sort of suicide attack. In fact, he even said "I'm going to give it all I've got", and Yami responds "Our true duel starts here". Last time I checked, the process of giving it all you've got doesn't involve scooping immediately, and true duels last for more than one mindless suicide attack.


Since we can assume that Judai didn't scoop with a ridiculous suicide attack, he may have had a chance; remember, when the Egyptian God Cards are Special Summoned from the Graveyard, they return to the Graveyard during the End Phase. Having sacrificed Dark Magician Girl as part of the process of Special Summoning Slifer the Sky Dragon, and having used all three of his spells and traps on the field during the previous turn, Yami would have a completely open field and only five cards in his hand - six after his Draw Phase. I say "Only five" and "Only six" because we know that three of the cards in his hand are useless high-level monsters - Black Luster Soldier, Buster Blader, and Valkyrion the Magna Warrior. This would leave Yuugi with, in all likelihood, only three useful cards. In fact, we know that two of those cards were Kuriboh and Magical Hats; the only unknown one is the last one that he would have drawn at the start of his turn.


However, in the desert, Judai's first words are "Yuugi, I will become much stronger", which indicates that he lost the duel. However, unless he's extremely stupid, a suicide attack like that results not from a lack of strength but from - actually, I have no clue why he would launch a suicide attack. Anyhow, this shows not only that he lost the duel but also that he simply wasn't a strong enough duelist to defeat Yami; therefore, the duel must have continued after "Let's go, Neos!"


But if Neos wasn't launching an attack, why, you ask, did he move? Although most duel monster holograms do not move unless they are doing something like attacking, those with duel spirits can move more freely. Remember back in Duelist Kingdom, how Kuriboh became angry at Mai after she laughed at him? Neos is a duel spirit, and one of the strongest duel spirits, so it makes sense that he would be able to move freely. It is also possible that such free movement could be amplified due to the location of the duel; a pocket dimension created for the purposes of dueling would support duel spirits better than the real world.


So, what did happen after Slifer appeared? Judai would probably have ended his turn, since he just had two cards left in his hand (and, to my knowledge, these are never shown on screen, so we can't be sure of their identity), and Slifer would have returned to the graveyard. After that, Yami draws a card, and beyond that we can't be sure. Judai's field contained Neos, Flare Scarab, and Shining Flare Wingman with 4300 ATK.


One possibility is that Yami would have drawn a low-level Spellcaster, such as Maha Vailo or Breaker the Magical Warrior, and used it in conjunction with Magical Hats to defend for a turn. Judai would have used Shining Flare Wingman to try to inflict damage, but Yami would have discarded Kuriboh to negate that; even though Kuriboh can't negate effect damage in the TCG, this is the anime, so his "wall of Kuribohs" is able to negate effect damage, as seen when it protected him from Obelisk's 4000-damage effect. Of course, this would leave Yami one turn later with no useful cards.


Another possibility is that Yami would pull out his really powerful cards - Monster Reborn, Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, and so on. Though GX started following the official banlist sometime between the start of the second season and the end of the third, the Yami/Judai duel took place ten years before that, so there would be no need for them to follow the banlist. These, combined with Yami's existing arsenal, would have given him plenty of possibilities; for example, he could have used Graceful Charity to get Polymerization, Monster Reborn, and something else, then discarded Valkyrion and Black Luster Soldier, used Monster Reborn on Dark Magician, activated Polymerization, and Fusion Summoned Dark Paladin. However, Dark Paladin alone would not have enough ATK to defeat Shining Flare Wingman, so something else would be necessary to get rid of that, such as Brain Control, Change of Heart, or something of that sort.


Of course, personally, I think the simplest solution is for him to topdeck Card Destruction to get 5 completely new cards.


Anyhow, it would have been best if they had shown the whole duel (which probably involved getting out another Egyptian God using King's/Queen's/Jack's Knight), instead of just part of it. GX is lazy when it comes to duel length; most of the duels from the middle of Season 3 onward are only a single episode, and, if I recall correctly, only two duels (Judai v Cobra and Judai v Yubel) lasted more than two episodes. In the original, two episodes would have been a short duel; most were more like three episodes, and all of the big showdown duels (Yami v Pegasus, all of the Battle City Finals, Yami/Kaiba v Dartz, Yami v Yuugi, and so on) were four episodes or longer. The fact that GX only spent one episode on its grand finale duel, and didn't even show the whole duel, is just pathetic.


TL;DR: Judai didn't suicide attack; he lost later in the duel. GX is run by lazy bums.

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