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Change all face-up monsters on the field to face-down Defense Position. During the End Phase of this turn, flip as many face-down Defense Position monsters your opponent controls as possible face-up, then your opponent draws cards equal to the number of monsters flipped face-up by this effect.




Once run in the Nekroz era to circumvent the Djinn Lock, how does this card fare today?

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It's a bad card. It was only run for the Djinn Lock, because there really wasn't many other options, since BoM and Compulsory were both @1.


It was either Exiled Force/Bull Blader or this. and this being a spell was deemed faster since it still let you summon your jus.

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This card works well in Needle Worm deck. Resets all your Needle Worm for more mills and you don't really care about the potential pluses for your opponent as it just makes you further to your win condition.


I also use the card in my Dice Jar burn deck. Using Reverse Reuse to set your Dice Jars to the opponent's field, then activating this and having That Six active when they get flipped face-up is most of the time good game.

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People spent literally all of Djinn lock format jabroniing and moaning about having to play this card because it's absolute shite. It has no use and won't do unless we get a card as commonly seen, threatening and difficult to out with conventional methods as Djinn'd Clausolas.

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I consider this card as a sort of "last resort" option that only becomes relevant in metagames/formats with problematic and often unhealthy cards, decks, combos, etc. I mean, whenever I notice or read that this card is being played in a competitive environment I understand there is a problem in the format, so to speak. The same goes for "Droll & Lock Bird".


Of course, it also sees use in decks wit alternate win conditions such as deck-out and even Appropriate variants as far as I know, but those aren't as relevant.

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